Hossein Khadivi Heris
Hossein Khadivi Heris
Principal Applied AI Engineer, Microsoft AI
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In vitro fibrillogenesis of tropocollagen type III in collagen type I affects its relative fibrillar topology and mechanics
M Asgari, N Latifi, HK Heris, H Vali, L Mongeau
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1392, 2017
Endocytic proteins with prion-like domains form viscoelastic condensates that enable membrane remodeling
LP Bergeron-Sandoval, S Kumar, HK Heris, CLA Chang, CE Cornell, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118 (50), e2113789118, 2021
Characterization of a hierarchical network of hyaluronic acid/gelatin composite for use as a smart injectable biomaterial
HK Heris, M Rahmat, L Mongeau
Macromolecular bioscience 12 (2), 202-210, 2012
Investigation of the viability, adhesion, and migration of human fibroblasts in a hyaluronic acid/gelatin microgel‐reinforced composite hydrogel for vocal fold tissue regeneration
HK Heris, J Daoud, S Sheibani, H Vali, M Tabrizian, L Mongeau
Advanced healthcare materials 5 (2), 255-265, 2016
Endocytosis caused by liquid-liquid phase separation of proteins
LP Bergeron-Sandoval, HK Heris, C Chang, CE Cornell, SL Keller, ...
BioRxiv, 145664, 2018
Microstructural characterization of vocal folds toward a strain-energy model of collagen remodeling
AK Miri, HK Heris, U Tripathy, PW Wiseman, L Mongeau
Acta biomaterialia 9 (8), 7957-7967, 2013
Current understanding and future directions for vocal fold mechanobiology
NYK Li, HK Heris, L Mongeau
Journal of cytology & molecular biology 1 (1), 001, 2013
Optimal feature selection for the assessment of vocal fold disorders
HK Heris, BS Aghazadeh, M Nikkhah-Bahrami
Computers in Biology and Medicine 39 (10), 860-868, 2009
A flow perfusion bioreactor system for vocal fold tissue engineering applications
N Latifi, HK Heris, SL Thomson, R Taher, S Kazemirad, S Sheibani, ...
Tissue Engineering Part C: Methods 22 (9), 823-838, 2016
Nanoscale viscoelasticity of extracellular matrix proteins in soft tissues: A multiscale approach
AK Miri, HK Heris, L Mongeau, F Javid
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 30, 196-204, 2014
Indentation of poroviscoelastic vocal fold tissue using an atomic force microscope
HK Heris, AK Miri, U Tripathy, F Barthelat, L Mongeau
Journal of the mechanical behavior of biomedical materials 28, 383-392, 2013
Dynamic actin crosslinking governs the cytoplasm’s transition to fluid-like behavior
L Chaubet, AR Chaudhary, HK Heris, AJ Ehrlicher, AG Hendricks
Viscoelasticity of hyaluronic acid‐gelatin hydrogels for vocal fold tissue engineering
S Kazemirad, HK Heris, L Mongeau
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 104 (2 …, 2016
Microstructural and mechanical characterization of scarred vocal folds
HK Heris, AK Miri, NR Ghattamaneni, NYK Li, SL Thibeault, PW Wiseman, ...
Journal of biomechanics 48 (4), 708-711, 2015
An in vivo study of composite microgels based on hyaluronic acid and gelatin for the reconstruction of surgically injured rat vocal folds
JMS Coppoolse, TG Van Kooten, HK Heris, L Mongeau, NYK Li, ...
Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research 57 (2), S658-S673, 2014
Experimental methods for the characterization of the frequency-dependent viscoelastic properties of soft materials
S Kazemirad, HK Heris, L Mongeau
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 133 (5), 3186-3197, 2013
Nonlinear analysis and classification of vocal disorders
BS Aghazadeh, H Khadivi, M Nikkhah-Bahrami
2007 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2007
Investigation of chitosan-glycol/glyoxal as an injectable biomaterial for vocal fold tissue engineering
LM Hossein K. Heris, Neda Latifi, Hojattolah Vali, Nicole Li
Procedia engineering 110, 143-150, 2015
Proteins with prion-like domains can form viscoelastic condensates that enable membrane remodeling and endocytosis
LP Bergeron-Sandoval, S Kumar, HK Heris, C Chang, CE Cornell, ...
bioRxiv, 145664, 2017
Fuzzy logic based classification and assessment of pathological voice signals
BS Aghazadeh, HK Heris
2009 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2009
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Articles 1–20