Francois de Coligny
Francois de Coligny
Ingénieur de Recherches, INRAE
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Capsis: an open software framework and community for forest growth modelling
S Dufour-Kowalski, B Courbaud, P Dreyfus, C Meredieu, F De Coligny
Annals of forest science 69, 221-233, 2012
Using terrestrial laser scanning data to estimate large tropical trees biomass and calibrate allometric models: A comparison with traditional destructive approach
S Momo Takoudjou, P Ploton, B Sonké, J Hackenberg, S Griffon, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9 (4), 905-916, 2018
Modelling the windthrow risk for simulated forest stands of Maritime pine (Pinus pinaster Ait.)
V Cucchi, C Meredieu, A Stokes, F de Coligny, J Suarez, BA Gardiner
Forest Ecology and Management 213 (1-3), 184-196, 2005
Simulating radiation distribution in a heterogeneous Norway spruce forest on a slope
B Courbaud, F De Coligny, T Cordonnier
Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 116 (1-2), 1-18, 2003
AMAPstudio: an editing and simulation software suite for plants architecture modelling
S Griffon, F De Coligny
Ecological Modelling 290, 3-10, 2014
CAPSIS: Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies In Silviculture: Advantages of a shared forest-modelling platform.
F Coligny, P Ancelin, G Cornu, B Courbaud, P Dreyfus, F Goreaud, ...
Modelling forest systems. Workshop on the interface between reality …, 2003
Modeling fuels and fire effects in 3D: Model description and applications
F Pimont, R Parsons, E Rigolot, F de Coligny, JL Dupuy, P Dreyfus, ...
Environmental Modelling & Software 80, 225-244, 2016
Spatial pattern of trees influences species productivity in a mature oak–pine mixed forest
MA Ngo Bieng, T Perot, F De Coligny, F Goreaud
European Journal of Forest Research 132 (5), 841-850, 2013
Applying ecological model evaludation: Lessons learned with the forest dynamics model Samsara2
B Courbaud, V Lafond, G Lagarrigues, G Vieilledent, T Cordonnier, ...
Ecological Modelling 314, 1-14, 2015
Beyond forest succession: A gap model to study ecosystem functioning and tree community composition under climate change
X Morin, H Bugmann, F De Coligny, N Martin‐StPaul, M Cailleret, ...
Functional Ecology 35 (4), 955-975, 2021
Modeling thinning effects on fire behavior with STANDFIRE
RA Parsons, F Pimont, L Wells, G Cohn, WM Jolly, F de Coligny, E Rigolot, ...
Annals of Forest Science 75, 1-10, 2018
Capsis: Computer-Aided Projection for Strategies In Silviculture: Open architecture for a shared forest-modelling platform
F De Coligny, P Ancelin, G Cornu, B Courbaud, P Dreyfus, F Goreaud, ...
HETEROFOR 1.0: a spatially explicit model for exploring the response of structurally complex forests to uncertain future conditions–Part 1: Carbon fluxes and tree dimensional …
M Jonard, F André, F De Coligny, L De Wergifosse, N Beudez, H Davi, ...
Geoscientific Model Development 13 (3), 905-935, 2020
Efficient building of forestry modelling software with the Capsis methodology
F de Coligny
2006 Second International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling and …, 2006
Using forest gap models and experimental data to explore long-term effects of tree diversity on the productivity of mixed planted forests
X Morin, T Damestoy, M Toigo, B Castagneyrol, H Jactel, F de Coligny, ...
Annals of Forest Science 77, 1-19, 2020
Favorable conditions for genomic evaluation to outperform classical pedigree evaluation highlighted by a proof-of-concept study in poplar
M Pégard, V Segura, F Muñoz, C Bastien, V Jorge, L Sanchez
Frontiers in plant science 11, 581954, 2020
A forest growth simulator based on functional-structural modelling of individual trees
PH Cournède, T Guyard, B Bayol, S Griffon, F De Coligny, P Borianne, ...
2009 Third International Symposium on Plant Growth Modeling, Simulation …, 2009
Long-term influence of the spatial structure of an initial state on the dynamics of a forest growth model: a simulation study using the Capsis platform
F Goreaud, I Alvarez, B Courbaud, F de Coligny
Simulation 82 (7), 475-495, 2006
LA MODELISATION: un outil pour la gestion et l'aménagement en forêt.
F Goreaud, F Coligny, B Courbaud, JF Dhôte, PH Dreyfus, T Pérot
VertigO-la revue électronique en sciences de l'environnement 6 (2), 2005
Models to implement a sustainable forest management—An overview of the ModisPinaster model
T Fonseca, B Parresol, C Marques, F de Coligny
Sustainable Forest Management/Book 1, 321-338, 2012
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Articles 1–20