Shawn D. Klimek
Shawn D. Klimek
Evaluation Officer, Office of the Under Secretary for Economic Affairs, U.S. Department of Commerce
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Cited by
Entry, exit, and the determinants of market structure
T Dunne, SD Klimek, MJ Roberts, DY Xu
The RAND Journal of Economics 44 (3), 462-487, 2013
Information technology investment and firm performance in US retail trade
ME Doms, RS Jarmin, SD Klimek
Economics of Innovation and new Technology 13 (7), 595-613, 2004
The effects of industry classification changes on us employment composition
TC Fort, SD Klimek
Tuck School at Dartmouth, 2016
Supersize it: The growth of retail chains and the rise of the “Big‐Box” store
E Basker, S Klimek, P Hoang Van
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 21 (3), 541-582, 2012
The role of retail chains: National, regional and industry results
RS Jarmin, SD Klimek, J Miranda
Producer dynamics: New evidence from micro data, 237-262, 2009
Exit from regional manufacturing markets: The role of entrant experience
T Dunne, SD Klimek, MJ Roberts
International Journal of Industrial Organization 23 (5-6), 399-421, 2005
Micro and macro data integration: The case of capital
RA Becker, J Haltiwanger, RS Jarmin, SD Klimek, DJ Wilson
A new architecture for the US national accounts, 541-610, 2006
Measuring the effect of covid-19 on us small businesses: The small business pulse survey
C Buffington, C Dennis, E Dinlersoz, L Foster, S Klimek
Center for Economic Studies, US Census Bureau Working Papers, 2020
Firm Entry and Exit in the US Retail Sector, 1977-1997
RS Jarmin, SD Klimek, J Miranda
US Census Bureau, 2004
The evolution of national retail chains: How we got here
L Foster, J Haltiwanger, S Klimek, CJ Krizan, S Ohlmacher
Handbook on the Economics of Retailing and Distribution, 7-37, 2016
Customer‐employee substitution: Evidence from gasoline stations
E Basker, L Foster, S Klimek
Journal of Economics & Management Strategy 26 (4), 876-896, 2017
Does Foreign competition spur productivity? Evidence from Post WWII US cement manufacturing
T Dunne, S Klimek, J Schmitz
Work. Pap., Fed. Reserve Bank Minneapolis, 2008
Entry and exit in geographic markets
T Dunne, S Klimek, M Roberts, Y Xu
manuscript, Penn State University, 2006
Creating a historical bridge for manufacturing between the standard industrial classification system and the North American industry classification system
K Bayard, S Klimek
The Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the American Statistical …, 2003
Documenting the business register and related economic business data
B DeSalvo, F Limehouse, SD Klimek
US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP-16-17, 2016
Competition and productivity: Evidence from the post WWII US cement industry
T Dunne, SD Klimek, JA Schmitz
US Census Bureau Center for Economic Studies Paper No. CES-WP-10-29, 2010
Entrant experience and plant exit
T Dunne, SD Klimek, MJ Roberts
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003
The Dynamics of Market Structure and Market Size in Two Health Service Industries
T Dunne, SD Klimek, MJ Roberts, DY Xu
Producer dynamics: New evidence from micro data, 303-327, 2009
Does foreign competition spur productivity
T Dunne, S Klimek, JA Schmitz
Evidence from post-WWII US cement manufacturing. Federal Reserve Bank of …, 2009
The evolution of retail markets in metropolitan, micropolitan and rural regions
RS Jarmin, SD Klimek, J Miranda
unpublished paper, US Census Bureau, 2005
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Articles 1–20