Pedram Jadidi
Cited by
Cited by
Towards an understanding of marine fouling effects on VIV of circular cylinders: Aggregation effects
P Jadidi, M Zeinoddini, M Soltanpour, AP Zandi, MS Seif
Ocean Engineering 147, 227-242, 2018
Influence of hard marine fouling on energy harvesting from Vortex-Induced Vibrations of a single-cylinder
P Jadidi, M Zeinoddini
Renewable energy 152, 516-528, 2020
The effects of marine fouling on the wake-induced vibration of tandem circular cylinders
A Bakhtiari, M Zeinoddini, H Ashrafipour, V Tamimi, MMA Harandi, ...
Ocean Engineering 216, 108093, 2020
Effects of soft marine fouling on wave-induced forces in floating aquaculture cages: physical model testing under regular waves
F Nobakht-Kolur, M Zeinoddini, MMA Harandi, FA Abi, P Jadidi
Ocean Engineering 238, 109759, 2021
Two-degrees-of-freedom vortex-induced vibration of cylinders covered with hard marine fouling
H Ashrafipour, M Zeinoddini, V Tamimi, MR Rashki, P Jadidi
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 233, 107624, 2022
Pseudo-random artificial corrosion morphologies for ultimate strength analysis of corroded steel tubulars
M Talebi, M Zeinoddini, M Elchalakani, SA Gharebaghi, P Jadidi
Structures 40, 902-919, 2022
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