K Andrew Cliffe
K Andrew Cliffe
School of Mathematical Sciences, University of Nottingham
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Multilevel Monte Carlo methods and applications to elliptic PDEs with random coefficients
KA Cliffe, MB Giles, R Scheichl, AL Teckentrup
Computing and Visualization in Science 14, 3-15, 2011
Nonlinear flow phenomena in a symmetric sudden expansion
RM Fearn, T Mullin, KA Cliffe
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 211, 595-608, 1990
Numerical bifurcation methods and their application to fluid dynamics: analysis beyond simulation
HA Dijkstra, FW Wubs, AK Cliffe, E Doedel, IF Dragomirescu, B Eckhardt, ...
Communications in Computational Physics 15 (1), 1-45, 2014
Is the steady viscous incompressible two‐dimensional flow over a backward‐facing step at Re= 800 stable?
PM Gresho, DK Gartling, JR Torczynski, KA Cliffe, KH Winters, TJ Garratt, ...
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids 17 (6), 501-541, 1993
The effect of frequency and clearance variations on single-degree-of-freedom impact oscillators
C Budd, F Dux, A Cliffe
Journal of sound and vibration 184 (3), 475-502, 1995
A model of carbon dioxide dissolution and mineral carbonation kinetics
MJ Mitchell, OE Jensen, KA Cliffe, MM Maroto-Valer
Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering …, 2010
The numerical analysis of bifurcation problems with application to fluid mechanics
KA Cliffe, A Spence, SJ Tavener
Acta Numerica 9, 39-131, 2000
Numerical calculations of two-cell and single-cell Taylor flows
KA Cliffe
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 135, 219-233, 1983
Bifurcation phenomena in Taylor-Couette flow in a very short annulus
G Pfister, H Schmidt, KA Cliffe, T Mullin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 191, 1-18, 1988
A numerical and experimental study of anomalous modes in the Taylor experiment
KA Cliffe, T Mullin
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 153, 243-258, 1985
Eigenvalues of block matrices arising from problems in fluid mechanics
KA Cliffe, TJ Garratt, A Spence
SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications 15 (4), 1310-1318, 1994
Parallel computation of flow in heterogeneous media modelled by mixed finite elements
KA Cliffe, IG Graham, R Scheichl, L Stals
Journal of Computational Physics 164 (2), 258-282, 2000
Eigenvalues of the discretized Navier-Stokes equation with application to the detection of Hopf bifurcations
KA Cliffe, TJ Garratt, A Spence
Advances in Computational Mathematics 1, 337-356, 1993
The origins of chaos in a modified Van der Pol oscillator
JJ Healey, DS Broomhead, KA Cliffe, R Jones, T Mullin
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 48 (2-3), 322-339, 1991
Numerical calculations of the primary-flow exchange process in the Taylor problem
KA Cliffe
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 197, 57-79, 1988
Adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods for eigenvalue problems arising in incompressible fluid flows
KA Cliffe, EJC Hall, P Houston
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing 31 (6), 4607-4632, 2010
The role of anomalous modes in Taylor─ Couette flow
KA Cliffe, JJ Kobine, T Mullin
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series A: Mathematical and …, 1992
The use of symmetry in bifurcation calculations and its application to the Bénard problem
KA Cliffe, KH Winters
Journal of computational physics 67 (2), 310-326, 1986
Novel bifurcation phenomena in a rotating annulus
SJ Tavener, T Mullin, KA Cliffe
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 229, 483-497, 1991
Three-dimensional thin film flow over and around an obstacle on an inclined plane
SJ Baxter, H Power, KA Cliffe, S Hibberd
Physics of Fluids 21 (3), 2009
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Articles 1–20