Joan J. Fornós
Joan J. Fornós
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Sea-level highstand 81,000 years ago in Mallorca
JA Dorale, BP Onac, JJ Fornós, J Ginés, A Ginés, P Tuccimei, DW Peate
science 327 (5967), 860-863, 2010
Tracks and trackways of Myotragus balearicus Bate (Artiodactyla, Caprinae) in Pleistocene aeolianites from Mallorca (Balearic islands, western Mediterranean)
JJ Fornós, RG Bromley, LB Clemmensen, A Rodrıguez-Perea
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 180 (4), 277-313, 2002
Temperate carbonates on a modern, low-energy, isolated ramp; the Balearic platform, Spain
JJ Fornos, WM Ahr
Journal of Sedimentary Research 67 (2), 364-373, 1997
Late Pleistocene paleoclimates and sea-level change in the Mediterranean as inferred from stable isotope and U-series studies of overgrowths on speleothems, Mallorca, Spain
PL Vesica, P Tuccimei, B Turi, JJ Fornós, A Ginés, J Ginés
Quaternary Science Reviews 19 (9), 865-879, 2000
Cordillera bética y baleares
JA Vera, A Martín-Algarra, M Sánchez-Gómez, JJ Fornós, B Gelabert
Geología de España, 347-464, 2004
Constraints on global mean sea level during Pliocene warmth
OA Dumitru, J Austermann, VJ Polyak, JJ Fornós, Y Asmerom, J Ginés, ...
Nature 574 (7777), 233-236, 2019
Modern polychaete reefs in western Mediterranean lagoons: Ficopomatus enigmaticus (Fauvel) in the Albufera of Menorca, Balearic Islands
JJ Fornós, V Forteza, A Martínez-Taberner
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 128 (1-4), 175-186, 1997
Late Pleistocene carbonate aeolianites on Mallorca, Western Mediterranean: a luminescence chronology
JJ Fornós, LB Clemmensen, L Gómez-Pujol, AS Murray
Quaternary Science Reviews 28 (25-26), 2697-2709, 2009
Dust rains in Mallorca (Western Mediterranean): Their occurrence and role in some recent geological processes
LA Fiol, JJ Fornós, B Gelabert, JA Guijarro
Catena 63 (1), 64-84, 2005
A highly resolved record of relative sea level in the western Mediterranean Sea during the last interglacial period
VJ Polyak, BP Onac, JJ Fornós, C Hay, Y Asmerom, JA Dorale, J Ginés, ...
Nature geoscience 11 (11), 860-864, 2018
AM Alonso-Zarza, I Armenteros, JC Braga, A Muñoz, V Pujalte, E Ramos, ...
Last interglacial sea level changes in Mallorca island (Western Mediterranean). High precision U-series data from phreatic overgrowths on speleothems
P Tuccimei, J Ginés, MC Delitala
Gebrüder Borntraeger, 2006
Terrasses de la Riera dels Canyars (Gavà, Barcelona): the landscape of Heinrich Stadial 4 north of the “Ebro frontier” and implications for modern human dispersal into Iberia
J Daura, M Sanz, N García, E Allué, M Vaquero, E Fierro, JS Carrión, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 60, 26-48, 2013
The late jurassic–early cretaceous rifting
J Martín-Chivelet, J López-Gómez, R Aguado, C Arias, J Arribas, ...
The Geology of Iberia: A Geodynamic Approach: Volume 3: The Alpine Cycle …, 2019
Phreatic overgrowths on speleothems: a useful tool in structural geology in littoral karstic landscapes. The example of eastern Mallorca (Balearic Islands)
JJ Fornós, B Gelabert, A Ginés, J Ginés, P Tuccimei, P Vesica
Geodinamica Acta 15 (2), 113-125, 2002
Middle Pleistocene magnetostratigraphy and susceptibility stratigraphy: data from a carbonate aeolian system, Mallorca, Western Mediterranean
KA Nielsen, LB Clemmensen, JJ Fornós
Quaternary Science Reviews 23 (16-17), 1733-1756, 2004
Les coves de Cala Anguila (Manacor, Mallorca). II: La Cova Genovesa o Cova d'en Bessó. Espeleogènesi, geomorfologia, hidrologia, sedimentologia, fauna, paleontologia …
F Gràcia, D Jaume, D Ramis, JJ Fornós, P Bover, B Clamor, MÀ Gual, ...
Endins: publicació d'espeleologia, 43-86, 2003
Constraining Holocene sea levels using U‐Th ages of phreatic overgrowths on speleothems from coastal caves in Mallorca (Western Mediterranean)
P Tuccimei, M Soligo, J Ginés, A Ginés, J Fornós, J Kramers, IM Villa
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms: The Journal of the British …, 2010
Mioceno superior de Mallorca: Unidad calizas de Santanyi,«Complejo Terminal»
JJ Fornós, L Pomar
El Terciario de las Baleares/10 Congreso nacional de Sedimentologia. Guía de …, 1983
Scientific management of Mediterranean coastal zone: A hybrid ocean forecasting system for oil spill and search and rescue operations
A Jordi, MI Ferrer, G Vizoso, A Orfila, G Basterretxea, B Casas, A Álvarez, ...
Marine Pollution Bulletin 53 (5-7), 361-368, 2006
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