Panos Boumis
Panos Boumis
Research Director at IAASARS, National Observatory of Athens
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Cited by
The distribution of the ism in the milky way-a three-dimensional large-scale model
A Misiriotis, EM Xilouris, J Papamastorakis, P Boumis, CD Goudis
Astronomy & Astrophysics 459 (1), 113-123, 2006
Authenticating the presence of a relativistic massive black hole binary in OJ 287 using its general relativity centenary flare: Improved orbital parameters
L Dey, MJ Valtonen, A Gopakumar, S Zola, R Hudec, P Pihajoki, S Ciprini, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 866 (1), 11, 2018
From dense hot Jupiter to low-density Neptune: The discovery of WASP-127b, WASP-136b, and WASP-138b
KWF Lam, F Faedi, DJA Brown, DR Anderson, L Delrez, M Gillon, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 599, A3, 2017
Stochastic modeling of multiwavelength variability of the classical BL Lac object OJ 287 on timescales ranging from decades to hours
A Goyal, S Zola, V Marchenko, M Soida, K Nilsson, S Ciprini, A Baran, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 863 (2), 175, 2018
M31N 2008-12a—the remarkable recurrent nova in M31: panchromatic observations of the 2015 eruption
MJ Darnley, M Henze, MF Bode, I Hachisu, M Hernanz, K Hornoch, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 833 (2), 149, 2016
Multi-band optical micro-variability observations of BL Lacertae
IE Papadakis, P Boumis, V Samaritakis, J Papamastorakis
Astronomy & Astrophysics 397 (2), 565-573, 2003
Machine-learning approaches to exoplanet transit detection and candidate validation in wide-field ground-based surveys
N Schanche, AC Cameron, G Hébrard, L Nielsen, A Triaud, JM Almenara, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 483 (4), 5534-5547, 2019
The discovery of WASP-151b, WASP-153b, WASP-156b: Insights on giant planet migration and the upper boundary of the Neptunian desert
ODS Demangeon, F Faedi, G Hébrard, DJA Brown, SCC Barros, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 610, A63, 2018
Highly supersonic motions within the outer features of the η Carinae nebulosity
J Meaburn, P Boumis, JR Walsh, W Steffen, AJ Holloway, RJR Williams, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 282 (4), 1313-1320, 1996
The creation of the Helix planetary nebula (NGC 7293) by multiple events
J Meaburn, P Boumis, JA López, DJ Harman, M Bryce, MP Redman, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 360 (3), 963-973, 2005
A multiwavelength study of supernova remnants in six nearby galaxies–II. New optically selected supernova remnants
I Leonidaki, P Boumis, A Zezas
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 429 (1), 189-220, 2013
New planetary nebulae in the Galactic bulge region with l > 0° − I. Discovery method and first results
P Boumis, EV Paleologou, F Mavromatakis, J Papamastorakis
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 339 (3), 735-747, 2003
‘Ears’ formation in supernova remnants: overhearing an interaction history with bipolar circumstellar structures
A Chiotellis, P Boumis, ZT Spetsieri
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 502 (1), 176-187, 2021
Deciphering the bipolar planetary nebula Abell 14 with 3D ionization and morphological studies
S Akras, N Clyne, P Boumis, H Monteiro, DR Gonçalves, MP Redman, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 457 (4), 3409-3419, 2016
Deep Hα imagery of the Eridanus shells
P Boumis, C Dickinson, J Meaburn, CD Goudis, PE Christopoulou, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 320 (1), 61-65, 2001
NELIOTA: The wide-field, high-cadence, lunar monitoring system at the prime focus of the Kryoneri telescope
EM Xilouris, AZ Bonanos, I Bellas-Velidis, P Boumis, A Dapergolas, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 619, A141, 2018
Polarization and spectral energy distribution in oj 287 during the 2016/17 outbursts
M Valtonen, S Zola, H Jermak, S Ciprini, R Hudec, L Dey, A Gopakumar, ...
Galaxies 5 (4), 83, 2017
Two rings but no fellowship: LoTr 1 and its relation to planetary nebulae possessing barium central stars
AA Tyndall, D Jones, HMJ Boffin, B Miszalski, F Faedi, M Lloyd, P Boumis, ...
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 436 (3), 2082-2095, 2013
NELIOTA: First temperature measurement of lunar impact flashes
AZ Bonanos, C Avdellidou, A Liakos, EM Xilouris, A Dapergolas, ...
Astronomy & Astrophysics 612, A76, 2018
Modelling the structure and kinematics of the Firework nebula: The nature of the GK Persei nova shell and its jet-like feature
E Harvey, MP Redman, P Boumis, S Akras
Astronomy & Astrophysics 595, A64, 2016
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Articles 1–20