Michael F. TenEyck
Michael F. TenEyck
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The effect of medical marijuana laws on crime: evidence from state panel data, 1990-2006
RG Morris, M TenEyck, JC Barnes, TV Kovandzic
PloS one 9 (3), e92816, 2014
How Powerful is the Evidence in Criminology? On Whether We Should Fear a Coming Crisis of Confidence
JC Barnes, MF TenEyck, TC Pratt, FT Cullen
Justice Quarterly 37 (3), 383-409, 2020
Indicators of domestic/intimate partner violence are structured by genetic and nonshared environmental influences
JC Barnes, M TenEyck, BB Boutwell, KM Beaver
Journal of psychiatric research 47 (3), 371-376, 2013
Examining the impact of peer group selection on self-reported delinquency: A consideration of active gene–environment correlation
M TenEyck, JC Barnes
Criminal justice and behavior 42 (7), 741-762, 2015
Exploring the social and individual differences among victims, offenders, victim-offenders, and total abstainers
M TenEyck, JC Barnes
Victims & Offenders 13 (1), 66-83, 2018
A behavior genetic analysis of the tendency for youth to associate according to GPA
JC Barnes, KM Beaver, JTN Young, M TenEyck
Social Networks 38, 41-49, 2014
Estimating relative stability in developmental research: A critique of modern approaches and a novel method
JC Barnes, SA El Sayed, M TenEyck, JL Nedelec, EJ Connolly, ...
Journal of quantitative criminology 33, 319-346, 2017
The moderating effects of informal social control in the sanctions-compliance nexus
JL Worrall, N Els, AR Piquero, M TenEyck
American Journal of Criminal Justice 39, 341-357, 2014
Absent father timing and its impact on adolescent and adult criminal behavior
MF TenEyck, KN Knox, SA El Sayed
American journal of criminal justice 48 (1), 193-217, 2023
Differentiating between Moffitt’s developmental taxonomy and silverthorn and frick’s delayed-onset models of female offending
SA El Sayed, AR Piquero, M Teneyck
Criminal Justice and Behavior 44 (4), 631-650, 2017
The effect of absent biological father on female biological maturity: Results from a nationally representative sample of adolescents
MF TenEyck, SA El Sayed, JC Barnes
Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice 35 (1), 36-51, 2019
The “police personality”: Is it real?
MF TenEyck
Police quarterly 27 (3), 271-291, 2024
A preliminary test of the association between Agnew’s social concern and criminal behavior: Results from a nationally representative sample of adults
M TenEyck, JC Barnes
Deviant Behavior 40 (2), 187-204, 2019
Beauty is only skin deep: An examination of physical attractiveness, attractive personality, and personal grooming on criminal justice outcomes
KN Knox, MF TenEyck
Plos one 18 (10), e0291922, 2023
The puzzling relationship between age and criminal behavior: A biosocial critique of the criminological status quo
JC Barnes, C Jorgensen, D Pacheco, M TenEyck
The nurture versus biosocial debate in criminology: On the origins of …, 2014
Prenatal and perinatal risk factors for delinquency
JC Barnes, M TenEyck
The Encyclopedia of Juvenile Delinquency and Justice, 1-6, 2017
The impact of race and skin color on police contact and arrest: Results from a nationally representative longitudinal study
MF TenEyck, SA El Sayed, CM Driscoll, KN Knox
Race and Justice, 21533687231223720, 2024
The impact of cumulative risk on criminal behavior across the life course
MF TenEyck, JC Barnes, SA El Sayed
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 9 (4), 555-589, 2023
The relationship between father absence and intimate partner violence victimization and perpetration: Does timing matter?
KN Knox, MF TenEyck, SA El Sayed
Journal of Developmental and Life-Course Criminology 9 (1), 71-92, 2023
Evaluating the Texas Risk Assessment System (TRAS) Predictors of Revocation and Early Release in Adult Felony Probation
SA El Sayed, CR Shelton, MF TenEyck
Deviant Behavior, 1-19, 2024
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