Uwe Puetter
Uwe Puetter
Professor, Europa-Universität Flensburg
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The New Intergovernmentalism: E uropean Integration in the Post‐Maastricht Era
CJ Bickerton, D Hodson, U Puetter
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 53 (4), 703-722, 2015
The institutions of the European Union
D Hodson, U Puetter, J Peterson, S Saurugger
Oxford University Press, 2022
Europe's deliberative intergovernmentalism: the role of the Council and European Council in EU economic governance
U Puetter
Journal of European Public Policy 19 (2), 161-178, 2012
The European Council and the Council: New intergovernmentalism and institutional change
U Puetter
Oxford University Press, 2014
The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post-Maastricht era
CJ Bickerton, D Hodson, U Puetter
Oxford University Press, 2015
The quality of norms is what actors make of it critical-constructivist research on norms
A Wiener, U Puetter
J. Int'l L & Int'l Rel. 5, 1, 2009
The Eurogroup: How a secretive circle of finance ministers shape European economic governance
U Puetter
The Eurogroup, 2016
Integration without supranationalisation: studying the lead roles of the European Council and the Council in post-Lisbon EU politics
S Fabbrini, U Puetter
Journal of European integration 38 (5), 481-495, 2016
The European Union in disequilibrium: new intergovernmentalism, postfunctionalism and integration theory in the post-Maastricht period
D Hodson, U Puetter
Journal of European public policy 26 (8), 1153-1171, 2019
The new intergovernmentalism and the study of European integration
CJ Bickerton, D Hodson, U Puetter
The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post …, 2015
Deciding on the European Semester: the European Council, the Council and the enduring asymmetry between economic and social policy issues
A Maricut, U Puetter
EU Socio-Economic Governance since the Crisis, 57-75, 2018
Consistency and diversity? The EU's rotating trio Council Presidency after the Lisbon Treaty
A Batory, U Puetter
Journal of European Public Policy 20 (1), 95-112, 2013
Governing informally: the role of the Eurogroup in EMU and the Stability and Growth Pact
U Puetter
Journal of European Public Policy 11 (5), 854-870, 2004
Informal circles of ministers: a way out of the EU's institutional dilemmas?
U Puetter
European Law Journal 9 (1), 109-124, 2003
Accommodating normative divergence in European foreign policy co‐ordination: The example of the Iraq crisis
U Puetter, A Wiener
JCMS: Journal of Common Market Studies 45 (5), 1065-1088, 2007
Deliberativer Intergouvernementalismus und institutioneller Wandel: die Europäische Union nach der Eurokrise
U Puetter
Politische Vierteljahresschrift, 406-429, 2015
The centrality of consensus and deliberation in contemporary EU politics and the new intergovernmentalism
U Puetter
Journal of European Integration 38 (5), 601-615, 2016
The European council: the new centre of EU politics
U Puetter
Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies, 2013
Catalysts of integration–the role of core intergovernmental forums in EU politics
U Puetter, S Fabbrini
Journal of European Integration 38 (5), 633-642, 2016
The European Council: the centre of new intergovernmentalism
U Puetter
The new intergovernmentalism: States and supranational actors in the post …, 2015
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Articles 1–20