Vlad Aparece-Scutariu
Vlad Aparece-Scutariu
Romanian Research and Development Institute for Gas Turbines, Bucharest, Romania
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Fluid age-based analysis of a lifted turbulent DME jet flame DNS
DH Shin, ES Richardson, V Aparece-Scutariu, Y Minamoto, JH Chen
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 37 (2), 2215-2222, 2019
Three-dimensional large-scale and very-large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent axisymmetric jet
M Samie, V Aparece-Scutariu, P Lavoie, D Shin, A Pollard
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 948, A29, 2022
Spatial characteristics of scalar dissipation rate in steady and unsteady turbulent round jets
V Aparece-Scutariu, ES Richadson, DH Shin
11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, 1-6, 2019
Spatial characteristics and modelling of mixture fraction variance and scalar dissipation rate in steady turbulent round jets
V Aparece-Scutariu, D Shin
International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 98, 109048, 2022
Unsteady self-similarity of jet fluid age and mass fraction
D Shin, AJ Aspden, V Aparece-Scutariu, ES Richardson
Physics of Fluids 35 (1), 2023
Investigation on spatial and temporal characteristics of scalar dissipation rate in non-reacting and reacting turbulent jets
V Aparece-Scutariu
The University of Edinburgh, 2021
High Fidelity Simulation of Turbulent Jet and Identification of Acoustic Sources
DH Shin, V Aparece-Scutariu, E Richardson
Civil Aircraft Design and Research 3, 1-9, 2017
Application of a DNS Code, HiPSTAR: Self-similar Characteristics of a Passive Scalar in a Turbulent Round Jet
V Aparece-Scutariu, D Shin
한국전산유체공학회 학술대회논문집, 74-74, 2021
Scalar Dissipation Rate Characteristics in Steady and Unsteady Turbulent Round Jets
V Aparece-Scutariu, ES Richardson, D Shin
KOSCO SYMPOSIUM 논문집, 107-111, 2019
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