Matt Tomkins
Matt Tomkins
Lecturer in GIS, University of Manchester
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Cited by
Schmidt Hammer exposure dating (SHED): Establishment and implications for the retreat of the last British Ice Sheet
MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, PD Hughes
Quaternary Geochronology 33, 46-60, 2016
Small rock‐slope failures conditioned by Holocene permafrost degradation: a new approach and conceptual model based on Schmidt‐hammer exposure‐age dating, Jotunheimen, southern …
JA Matthews, S Winkler, P Wilson, MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, RW Mourne, ...
Boreas 47 (4), 1144-1169, 2018
Rapid age assessment of glacial landforms in the Pyrenees using Schmidt hammer exposure dating (SHED)
MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, PD Hughes, JJ Huck, AG Stimson, M Delmas, ...
Quaternary Research 90 (1), 26-37, 2018
Schmidt Hammer exposure dating (SHED): Calibration procedures, new exposure age data and an online calculator
MD Tomkins, JJ Huck, JM Dortch, PD Hughes, MP Kirbride, ID Barr
Quaternary Geochronology 44, 55-62, 2018
The dynamics of mountain erosion: cirque growth slows as landscapes age
ID Barr, JC Ely, M Spagnolo, IS Evans, MD Tomkins
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 44 (13), 2628-2637, 2019
A tool for the ages: the Probabilistic Cosmogenic Age Analysis Tool (P-CAAT)
JM Dortch, MD Tomkins, S Saha, MK Murari, LM Schoenbohm, D Curl
Quaternary geochronology 71, 101323, 2022
Moraine crest or slope: An analysis of the effects of boulder position on cosmogenic exposure age
MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, PD Hughes, JJ Huck, R Pallàs, Á Rodés, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 570, 117092, 2021
60 million years of glaciation in the Transantarctic Mountains
ID Barr, M Spagnolo, BR Rea, RG Bingham, RP Oien, K Adamson, JC Ely, ...
Nature Communications 13 (1), 5526, 2022
Schmidt hammer exposure dating (SHED): Calibration boulder of Tomkins et al. (2016)
JM Dortch, PD Hughes, MD Tomkins
Quaternary Geochronology 35 (6), 7e68, 2016
Britain and Ireland: glacial landforms prior to the Last Glacial Maximum
PL Gibbard, PD Hughes, CD Clark, NF Glasser, MD Tomkins
European glacial landscapes, 245-253, 2022
Timing of glacial retreat in the Wicklow Mountains, Ireland, conditioned by glacier size and topography
MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, PD Hughes, JJ Huck, TN Tonkin, ID Barr
Journal of Quaternary Science 33 (6), 611-623, 2018
Glaciation of the English Lake District during the Late-glacial: a new analysis using 10Be and Schmidt hammer exposure dating
P Hughes, M Tomkins, A Stimson
Northwest Geography 19 (2), 8-20, 2019
Schmidt Hammer exposure dating (SHED): establishment and implications for the retreat of the last British Ice Sheet. Quat. Geochronol. 33, 46e60
MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, PD Hughes
million years of glaciation in the Transantarctic Mountains, Nat. Commun., 13, 5526
ID Barr, M Spagnolo, BR Rea, RG Bingham, RP Oien, K Adamson, JC Ely, ...
Cirques in the Transantarctic Mountains reveal controls on glacier formation and landscape evolution
ID Barr, M Spagnolo, MD Tomkins
Geomorphology 445, 108970, 2024
Britain and Ireland: glacial landforms during the Younger Dryas Stadial
PD Hughes, CD Clark, PL Gibbard, NF Glasser, MD Tomkins
European Glacial Landscapes, 481-493, 2023
Glacial landscapes of Britain and Ireland
PD Hughes, CD Clark, PL Gibbard, NF Glasser, MD Tomkins
European Glacial Landscapes, 75-85, 2022
Britain and Ireland: glacial landforms from the Last Glacial Maximum
PD Hughes, CD Clark, PL Gibbard, NF Glasser, MD Tomkins
European Glacial Landscapes, 407-416, 2022
Erratum to:“Tomkins et al.(2016) Schmidt Hammer exposure dating (SHED): Establishment and implications for the retreat of the last British Ice Sheet”[Quat. Geochronol. 33 (2016 …
MD Tomkins, JM Dortch, PD Hughes
Quaternary Geochronology 38, 75-76, 2017
Modelling the cooling effects of urban canals
M Tomkins, H McDonald, J Huck, J Tippett, S Elliot, E Harris, C Maxwell
32nd Annual GIS Research UK Conference, 2024
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Articles 1–20