Taekyung Kim
Cited by
Cited by
Winning the crowd in online fundraising platforms: The roles of founder and project features
T Kim, MH Por, SB Yang
Electronic Commerce Research and Applications 25, 86-94, 2017
How does an intelligence chatbot affect customers compared with self-service technology for sustainable services?
T Um, T Kim, N Chung
Sustainability 12 (12), 5119, 2020
Impact of using social network services on workplace ostracism, job satisfaction, and innovative behaviour
YW Chung, T Kim
Behaviour & Information Technology 36 (12), 1235-1243, 2017
Subjective perception patterns of online reviews: A comparison of utilitarian and hedonic values
J Ham, K Lee, T Kim, C Koo
Information Processing & Management 56 (4), 1439-1456, 2019
Platform structures, homing preferences, and homophilous propensities in online social networks
HE Kwon, W Oh, T Kim
Journal of Management Information Systems 34 (3), 768-802, 2017
Robots, artificial intelligence, and service automation (RAISA) in hospitality: sentiment analysis of YouTube streaming data
T Kim, H Jo, Y Yhee, C Koo
Electronic Markets 32 (1), 259-275, 2022
Research note—Leader influence on sustained participation in online collaborative work communities: A simulation-based approach
W Oh, JY Moon, J Hahn, T Kim
Information Systems Research 27 (2), 383-402, 2016
Observation on copying and pasting behavior during the Tohoku earthquake: Retweet pattern changes
T Kim
International Journal of Information Management 34 (4), 546-555, 2014
Why consumers go to online grocery: Comparing vegetables with grains
C Kang, J Moon, T Kim, Y Choe
2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS), 3604-3613, 2016
Preparedness for COVID-19 infection prevention in Korea: a single-centre experience
YJ Kim, YJ Jeong, SH Kim, SY Lee, TY Kim, MS Choi, JH Ahn
Journal of Hospital Infection 105 (2), 370-372, 2020
A statistical study of multiple myeloma in Korea
SH Yang, TY Kim, BK Kim, YW Koh, DS Kwak, NK Kim, SY Kim, SH Kim, ...
The Korean Journal of Hematology 30 (3), 345-361, 1995
Developing personalized marketing service using generative AI
GH Lee, KJ Lee, B Jeong, T Kim
IEEE Access 12, 22394-22402, 2024
Self-regulation and external influence: The relative efficacy of mobile apps and offline channels for personal weight management
HE Kwon, S Dewan, W Oh, T Kim
Information Systems Research 34 (1), 50-66, 2023
The difference of information diffusion for Seoul tourism destination according to user certification on Sina Weibo: through data crawling method
S Hlee, A Cheng, C Koo, T Kim
International Journal of Tourism Sciences 17 (4), 262-275, 2017
Entrepreneurship Education and Entrepreneurial Intention: Fear to Start-up and Start-up Communities in Class
T Kim
Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship 14 (2), 95-104, 2019
Efficacy of a Health App for Obesity and Overweight Management: A Hidden Markov Model.
HE Kwon, S Dewan, W Oh, T Kim
ICIS, 2017
Successful crowdfunding: the effects of founder and project factors
MH Por, SB Yang, T Kim
Proceedings of the 18th Annual International Conference on Electronic …, 2016
Information mediating in social network sites: a simulation study
S Rho, T Kim, J Park
Journal of Society for e-Business Studies 18 (1), 2013
Identifying and reducing individual's perceived risk in crowdfunding investment
H Wang, T Kim
Proceedings of the international conference on electronic commerce, 1-7, 2017
L-Shape advertising for mobile video streaming services: Less intrusive while still effective
T Kim, J Lee, J Suh
Displays 78, 102436, 2023
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Articles 1–20