Articles with public access mandates - Mohammad Kaleem AhmadLearn more
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Assessment of genotoxicity and oxidative stress in pregnant women contaminated to organochlorine pesticides and its correlation with pregnancy outcome
N Dwivedi, AA Mahdi, S Deo, MK Ahmad, D Kumar
Environmental Research 204, 112010, 2022
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Post-mortem interval estimation using miRNAs of road traffic accident cases: a forensic molecular approach
P Singh, W Ali, S Sandhu, S Mishra, US Singh, AK Verma, M Singh, ...
Science & Justice 63 (4), 485-492, 2023
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Chemical Characterization, In-silico Evaluation, and Molecular Docking Analysis of Antiproliferative Compounds Isolated from the Bark of Anthocephalus cadamba Miq.
JA Ansari, MK Ahmad, N Fatima, I Azad, AA Mahdi, GNV Satyanarayan, ...
Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry-Anti-Cancer Agents) 22 (20), 3416-3437, 2022
Mandates: Department of Biotechnology, India
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Antidiabetic activity of lupeol and lupeol esters in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats
V Lakshmi, AA Mahdi, MK Ahmad, SK Agarwal, AK Srivastava
Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Journal 17 (2), 138-146, 2014
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Association of MTHFR (C677T) Gene Polymorphism with Breast Cancer in North India
M Waseem, SR Hussain, S Kumar, M Serajuddin, F Mahdi, SK Sonkar, ...
Biomarkers in cancer 8, BIC. S40446, 2016
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
ROS mediated pro-apoptotic effects of Tinospora cordifolia on breast cancer cells
JA Ansari, N Rastogi, MK Ahmad, AA Mahdi, AR Khan, R Thakur, ...
Front. Biosci 9, 89-100, 2017
Mandates: Department of Biotechnology, India
MicroRNA-183-5p: a new potential marker for prostate cancer
M Waseem, MK Ahmad, M Serajuddin, V Bhaskar, SN Sankhwar, ...
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 34, 207-212, 2019
Mandates: Department of Biotechnology, India, Department of Science & Technology, India
Evaluation of miR-711 as novel biomarker in prostate cancer progression
M Waseem, MK Ahmad, VK Srivatava, N Rastogi, M Serajuddin, S Kumar, ...
Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention: APJCP 18 (8), 2185, 2017
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Anticancer, antioxidant potential and profiling of polyphenolic compounds of Wrightia tinctoria Roxb.(R. Br.) bark
N Fatima, MK Ahmad, JA Ansari, Z Ali, AR Khan, AA Mahdi
Journal of advanced pharmaceutical technology & research 7 (4), 159-165, 2016
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Antiproliferative and antioxidant studies of Anthocephalus cadamba (Roxb.) Miq. Bark
N Fatima, MK Ahmad, JA Ansari, HJ Khan, N Rastogi, SK Srivastava, ...
Indian J Pharm Sci 78 (4), 525-531, 2016
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Genomic analysis of missense and silent mutations in CatSper 2 gene in infertile male cases
H Naqvi, SP Jaiswar, SR Hussain, MK Ahmad, F Mahdi, AA Mahdi
International Journal of Biomedical Research 7 (8), 588-93, 2016
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Unraveling epigenetic signatures for early detection of diabetes nephropathy in type 2 diabetes: A case–Control investigation
D Chahar, GK Sonkar, S Singh, SK Sonkar, MK Ahmad
Biomedical and Biotechnology Research Journal (BBRJ) 8 (1), 108-116, 2024
Mandates: Department of Science & Technology, India
Assessment of role and efficacy of curcumin and quercetin in preventing lead-induced oxidative stress in rats
M Zahid, PS Rawat, S Singh, AK Gupta, R Ahmad, AA Mahdi, MK Ahmad, ...
Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry 37 (3), 303-310, 2022
Mandates: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, India
Antibody response to SARS-CoV-2 among COVID-19 confirmed cases and correlates with neutralizing assay in a subgroup of patients in Delhi National Capital Region, India
P Misra, S Kant, R Guleria, SK Rai, A Jaiswal, S Mandal, GR Medigeshi, ...
Vaccines 10 (8), 1312, 2022
Mandates: World Health Organization
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