Biological responses to the press and pulse of climate trends and extreme events et al. Harris, R. M. B., Beaumont, L.J., Vance, T. R. Nature Climate Change 8, 579-587, 2018 | 545 | 2018 |
Improving the use of species distribution models in conservation planning and management under climate change LL Porfirio, RMB Harris, EC Lefroy, S Hugh, SF Gould, G Lee, NL Bindoff, ... PLoS One 9 (11), e113749, 2014 | 407 | 2014 |
Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems and their services C Parmesan, MD Morecroft, Y Trisurat, R Adrian, G Zakaria Anshari, ... Cambridge University Press, 2023 | 205 | 2023 |
Climate projections for ecologists RMB Harris, MR Grose, G Lee, NL Bindoff, LL Porfirio, P Fox‐Hughes Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 5 (5), 621-637, 2014 | 204 | 2014 |
A systematic review of droplet and aerosol generation in dentistry N Innes, IG Johnson, W Al-Yaseen, R Harris, R Jones, S Kc, S McGregor, ... Journal of dentistry 105, 103556, 2021 | 184 | 2021 |
Climate change impacts on water security in global drylands LC Stringer, A Mirzabaev, TA Benjaminsen, RMB Harris, M Jafari, ... One Earth 4 (6), 851-864, 2021 | 166 | 2021 |
Future fire danger climatology for Tasmania, Australia, using a dynamically downscaled regional climate model P Fox-Hughes, R Harris, G Lee, M Grose, N Bindoff International journal of wildland fire 23 (3), 309-321, 2014 | 125 | 2014 |
Climate–vegetation–fire interactions and feedbacks: trivial detail or major barrier to projecting the future of the Earth system? RMB Harris, TA Remenyi, GJ Williamson, NL Bindoff, DMJS Bowman Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Climate Change 7 (6), 910-931, 2016 | 123 | 2016 |
Decomposing crop model uncertainty: A systematic review R Chapagain, TA Remenyi, RMB Harris, CL Mohammed, N Huth, ... Field Crops Research 279, 108448, 2022 | 64 | 2022 |
A tool for simulating and communicating uncertainty when modelling species distributions under future climates SF Gould, NJ Beeton, RMB Harris, MF Hutchinson, AM Lechner, ... Ecology and Evolution 4 (24), 4798-4811, 2014 | 64 | 2014 |
Changes to the drivers of fire weather with a warming climate–a case study of southeast Tasmania MR Grose, P Fox-Hughes, RMB Harris, NL Bindoff Climatic Change 124, 255-269, 2014 | 64 | 2014 |
A systematic review of contamination (aerosol, splatter and droplet generation) associated with oral surgery and its relevance to COVID-19 JE Gallagher, S KC, IG Johnson, W Al-Yaseen, R Jones, S McGregor, ... BDJ open 6 (1), 25, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
A framework for incorporating fine-scale dispersal behaviour into biodiversity conservation planning AM Lechner, V Doerr, RMB Harris, E Doerr, EC Lefroy Landscape and Urban Planning 141, 11-23, 2015 | 54 | 2015 |
Patterns in body size and melanism along a latitudinal cline in the wingless grasshopper, Phaulacridium vittatum R Harris, P McQuillan, L Hughes Journal of Biogeography 39 (8), 1450-1461, 2012 | 50 | 2012 |
Cross-chapter paper 3: Deserts, semiarid areas and desertification A Mirzabaev, LC Stringer, TA Benjaminsen, P Gonzalez, R Harris, ... Climate change, 2195-2231, 2022 | 48 | 2022 |
To Be Or Not to Be? Variable selection can change the projected fate of a threatened species under future climate RMB Harris, LL Porfirio, S Hugh, G Lee, NL Bindoff, B Mackey, NJ Beeton Ecological Management & Restoration 14 (3), 230-234, 2013 | 45 | 2013 |
From static connectivity modelling to scenario-based planning at local and regional scales AM Lechner, RMB Harris, V Doerr, E Doerr, M Drielsma, EC Lefroy Journal for Nature Conservation 28, 78-88, 2015 | 44 | 2015 |
Impacts of grazing and burning on spider assemblages in dry eucalypt forests of north‐eastern New South Wales, Australia R Harris, A York, AJ Beattie Austral Ecology 28 (5), 526-538, 2003 | 43 | 2003 |
A test of the thermal melanism hypothesis in the wingless grass-hopper Phaulacridium vittatum RM Harris, P McQuillan, L Hughes Journal of Insect Science 13 (1), 51, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Integrating climate change and habitat fragmentation to identify candidate seed sources for ecological restoration PA Harrison, RE Vaillancourt, RMB Harris, BM Potts Restoration Ecology 25 (4), 524-531, 2017 | 39 | 2017 |