Charleen R. Case
Cited by
Cited by
Dominance and prestige: Dual strategies for navigating social hierarchies
JK Maner, CR Case
Advances in experimental social psychology 54, 129-180, 2016
Divide and conquer: When and why leaders undermine the cohesive fabric of their group.
CR Case, JK Maner
Journal of personality and social psychology 107 (6), 1033, 2014
Primate prefrontal cortex evolution: human brains are the extreme of a lateralized ape trend
JB Smaers, J Steele, CR Case, A Cowper, K Amunts, K Zilles
Brain Behavior and Evolution 77 (2), 67-78, 2011
To Lead or to Be Liked: When Prestige-Oriented Leaders Prioritize Popularity over Performance
CR Case, KK Bae, JK Maner
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 2018
Affiliation‐seeking among the powerless: Lacking power increases social affiliative motivation
CR Case, KE Conlon, JK Maner
European Journal of Social Psychology 45 (3), 378-385, 2015
Laterality and the evolution of the prefronto‐cerebellar system in anthropoids
JB Smaers, J Steele, CR Case, K Amunts
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1288 (1), 59-69, 2013
The precautious nature of prestige: When leaders are hypervigilant to subtle signs of social disapproval
CR Case, KK Bae, KT Larsen, JK Maner
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 120 (3), 694-715, 2021
Drivers of desire for social rank
RL Mitchell, KK Bae, CR Case, NA Hays
Current Opinion in Psychology 33, 189-195, 2020
When and why power corrupts: An evolutionary perspective
CR Case, JK Maner
Handbook on Evolution and Society, 460-473, 2015
Prevalence and predictors of “nesting”: Solutions to adaptive challenges faced during pregnancy
A Ketterman, A Makhanova, TA Reynolds, CR Case, JK McNulty, ...
Evolution and Human Behavior 43 (3), 188-196, 2022
Does exercise make me more attractive? Exploring the relations between exercise and mate value
U Dobersek, B Stallings, GC Wy, CR Case, JK Maner
Evolutionary Psychological Science 7, 124-133, 2021
The essential tension between leadership and power
JK Maner, CR Case
Psychological Science Agenda 27 (9), 2013
Dominance and Prestige: Selecting the Leadership Approach that Fits
CR Case, JK Maner
European Business Review, 2017
Social Hierarchies
EJ Mercadante, CR Case
Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science, 7692-7695, 2021
Are men (believed to be) less prestige-oriented than women?
CR Case, LJ Detert
Evolution and Human Behavior 45 (3), 315-316, 2024
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Articles 1–15