Ngo Van Nong
Ngo Van Nong
Professor, Head of Division, Center for Low-temperature Plasma Sciences, Nagoya University
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Enhancement of the thermoelectric performance of p-type layered oxide Ca3Co4O9+ δ through heavy doping and metallic nanoinclusions
NV Nong, N Pryds, S Linderoth, M Ohtaki
Adv. Mater. 23 (21), 2484, 2011
High-temperature thermoelectric properties of late rare earth-doped Ca3Co4O9+ δ
NV Nong, CJ Liu, M Ohtaki
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (3), 977-981, 2011
Improvement on the high temperature thermoelectric performance of Ga-doped misfit-layered Ca3Co4− xGaxO9+ δ (x= 0, 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2)
NV Nong, CJ Liu, M Ohtaki
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 491 (1-2), 53-56, 2010
Anomalously high thermoelectric power factor in epitaxial ScN thin films
S Kerdsongpanya, N Van Nong, N Pryds, A Žukauskaitė, J Jensen, ...
Applied Physics Letters 99 (23), 2011
High temperature thermoelectric properties of Ca3Co4O9+ δ by auto-combustion synthesis and spark plasma sintering
NY Wu, TC Holgate, N Van Nong, N Pryds, S Linderoth
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 34 (4), 925-931, 2014
Towards high efficiency segmented thermoelectric unicouples
PH Ngan, DV Christensen, GJ Snyder, LT Hung, S Linderoth, NV Nong, ...
physica status solidi (a) 211 (1), 9-17, 2014
Effects of morphology on the thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnO
L Han, N Van Nong, W Zhang, T Holgate, K Tashiro, M Ohtaki, N Pryds, ...
Rsc Advances 4 (24), 12353-12361, 2014
Magnetism and magnetocaloric effect in La1− yNdy (Fe0. 88Si0. 12) 13 compounds
DTK Anh, NP Thuy, NH Duc, TT Nhien, NV Nong
Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials 262 (3), 427-431, 2003
Low‐Cost High‐Performance Zinc Antimonide Thin Films for Thermoelectric Applications
Y Sun, M Christensen, S Johnsen, NV Nong, Y Ma, M Sillassen, E Zhang, ...
Advanced Materials 24 (13), 1693-1696, 2012
The effect of (Ag, Ni, Zn)-addition on the thermoelectric properties of copper aluminate
S Yanagiya, N Van Nong, J Xu, N Pryds
Materials 3 (1), 318-328, 2010
The influence of α-and γ-Al2O3 phases on the thermoelectric properties of Al-doped ZnO
L Han, N Van Nong, T Holgate, N Pryds, M Ohtaki, S Linderoth
Journal of alloys and compounds 555, 291-296, 2013
Microstructure and thermoelectric properties of CrN and CrN/Cr2N thin films
MA Gharavi, S Kerdsongpanya, S Schmidt, F Eriksson, NV Nong, J Lu, ...
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 51 (35), 355302, 2018
Effect of oxygen defects blocking barriers on gadolinium doped ceria (GDC) electro-chemo-mechanical properties
A Kabir, S Santucci, N Van Nong, M Varenik, I Lubomirsky, R Nigon, ...
Acta Materialia 174, 53-60, 2019
Effect of ion-implantation-induced defects and Mg dopants on the thermoelectric properties of ScN
N Tureson, M Marteau, T Cabioch, N Van Nong, J Jensen, J Lu, ...
Physical Review B 98 (20), 205307, 2018
Promising bulk nanostructured Cu 2 Se thermoelectrics via high throughput and rapid chemical synthesis
MY Tafti, S Ballikaya, AM Khachatourian, M Noroozi, M Saleemi, L Han, ...
Rsc Advances 6 (112), 111457-111464, 2016
Thermoelectric Properties of SnO2 Ceramics Doped with Sb and Zn
S Yanagiya, NV Nong, J Xu, M Sonne, N Pryds
Journal of electronic materials 40, 674-677, 2011
Experimental and theoretical investigation of Cr1-xScxN solid solutions for thermoelectrics
S Kerdsongpanya, B Sun, F Eriksson, J Jensen, J Lu, YK Koh, NV Nong, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 120 (21), 2016
Fabrication with semiconductor packaging technologies and characterization of a large‐scale flexible thermoelectric module
T Sugahara, Y Ekubaru, NV Nong, N Kagami, K Ohata, LT Hung, ...
Advanced Materials Technologies 4 (2), 1800556, 2019
Ambient effects on the electrical conductivity of carbon nanotubes
A Roch, M Greifzu, ER Talens, L Stepien, T Roch, J Hege, N Van Nong, ...
Carbon 95, 347-353, 2015
Reduction of the thermal conductivity of the thermoelectric material ScN by Nb alloying
N Tureson, N Van Nong, D Fournier, N Singh, S Acharya, S Schmidt, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 122 (2), 2017
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Articles 1–20