Articles with public access mandates - Ricardo Massato TakemotoLearn more
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Fish-borne nematodiases in South America: neglected emerging diseases
JC Eiras, GC Pavanelli, RM Takemoto, Y Nawa
Journal of Helminthology 92 (6), 649-654, 2018
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Endoparasite fauna of wild capybaras (Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris)(Linnaeus, 1766) from the Upper Parana River floodplain, Brazil
GTR Souza, TS Ribeiro, AM Antonucci, BH Ueda, MK Carniel, LC Karling, ...
Aquatic Mammals 41 (2), 213, 2015
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
New arrangement of three genera of fish tapeworms (Cestoda: Proteocephalidae) in catfishes (Siluriformes) from the Neotropical Region: taxonomic implications of molecular …
PV Alves, A de Chambrier, JL Luque, RM Takemoto, LER Tavares, ...
Parasitology Research 120 (5), 1593-1603, 2021
Mandates: US National Science Foundation
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Diversity, specificity and speciation in larval Diplostomidae (Platyhelminthes: Digenea) in the eyes of freshwater fish, as revealed by DNA barcodes
SA Locke, FS Al-Nasiri, M Caffara, F Drago, M Kalbe, AR Lapierre, ...
International Journal for Parasitology 45 (13), 841-855, 2015
Mandates: Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
An overview of fish-borne nematodiases among returned travelers for recent 25 years–unexpected diseases sometimes far away from the origin
JC Eiras, GC Pavanelli, RM Takemoto, Y Nawa
The Korean journal of parasitology 56 (3), 215, 2018
Mandates: Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Phylogenetic position of Diplostomum spp. from New World herons based on complete mitogenomes, rDNA operons, and DNA barcodes, including a new species …
SA Locke, FB Drago, V Núñez, GTR Souza, RM Takemoto
Parasitology Research 119, 2129-2137, 2020
Mandates: US National Science Foundation, Genome Canada, Natural Sciences and …
Nuevos registros de ectoparásitos en peces pimelódidos (Siluriformes) del Paraná Medio (Argentina)
SB Chemes, RM Takemoto
Revista Argentina de Parasitología 2, 2014
Mandates: Government of Argentina
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