Mani Murali.R
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Cited by
Distribution and dynamics of mangrove forests of South Asia
C Giri, J Long, S Abbas, RM Murali, FM Qamer, B Pengra, D Thau
Journal of environmental management 148, 101-111, 2015
Coastal vulnerability assessment of Puducherry coast, India, using the analytical hierarchical process
PV R. Mani Murali, M. Ankita, S. Amrita
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 13, 3291–3311, 2013
Trajectory of an oil spill off Goa, eastern Arabian Sea: Field observations and simulations
P Vethamony, K Sudheesh, MT Babu, S Jayakumar, R Manimurali, ...
Environmental pollution 148 (2), 438-444, 2007
Depositional record of trace metals and degree of contamination in core sediments from the Mandovi estuarine mangrove ecosystem, west coast of India
S Veerasingam, P Vethamony, RM Murali, B Fernandes
Marine pollution bulletin 91 (1), 362-367, 2015
Implications of sea level rise scenarios on land use /land cover classes of the coastal zones of Cochin, India
DKPK Mani Murali R
Journal of Environmental Management, 2014
Decadal shoreline assessment using remote sensing along the central Odisha coast, India
RM Murali, R Dhiman, R Choudhary, JK Seelam, D Ilangovan, ...
Environmental Earth Sciences 74, 7201-7213, 2015
Assessment of the land use/land cover (LU/LC) and mangrove changes along the Mandovi–Zuari estuarine complex of Goa, India
AMMMR Vethamony P.
Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2013
Sources and fate of organic matter in suspended and bottom sediments of the Mandovi and Zuari estuaries, western India
R Shynu, P Rao, V Sarma, PM Kessarkar, RM Murali
Current Science, 226-238, 2015
Run-up and inundation limits along southeast coast of India during the 26 December 2004 Indian Ocean tsunami
S Jayakumar, D Ilangovan, KA Naik, R Gowthaman, G Tirodkar, GN Naik, ...
Current Science 88 (11), 1743p, 2005
Monitoring shoreline environment of Paradip, east coast of India using remote sensing
RM Murali, D Shrivastava, P Vethamony
Current science, 79-84, 2009
Contrasting Chl-a responses to the tropical cyclones Thane and Phailin in the Bay of Bengal
PJ Vidya, S Das
Journal of Marine Systems 165, 103-114, 2017
Site selection for offshore wind farms along the Indian coast
R ManiMurali, PJ Vidya, P Modi, S Jayakumar
Indian J Geo-Mar Sci, 2014
Climate change impact and vulnerability assessment of Mumbai city, India
RM Murali, MJ Riyas, KN Reshma, SS Kumar
Natural Hazards 102 (2), 575-589, 2020
Was the Rann of Kachchh navigable during the Harappan times (Mid-Holocene)? An archaeological perspective
RMMSJ A. S. Gaur*, K. H. Vora, Sundaresh
CURRENT SCIENCE, 105 (11), 1485-1491, 2013
Bleaching and secondary threats on the corals of Palk Bay: a survey and proactive conservation needs
J Ravindran, E Kannapiran, B Manikandan, R Mani Murali, A Joseph
NISCAIR-CSIR, India, 2012
Impact of 2004 co-seismic coastal uplift on the mangrove cover along the North Andaman Islands
R Ramakrishnan, Y Gladston, NL Kumar, P Rajput, RM Murali, ...
Regional Environmental Change 20, 1-12, 2020
Sources, vertical fluxes and accumulation of petroleum hydrocarbons in sediments from the Mandovi estuary, west coast of India
S Veerasingam, P Vethamony, R ManiMurali, MT Babu
University of Tehran, 2015
Change detection studies in coastal zone features of Goa, India by remote sensing
RM Murali, P Vethamony, AK Saran, S Jayakumar
Current science, 816-820, 2006
Resilience potential of an Indian Ocean reef: an assessment through coral recruitment pattern and survivability of juvenile corals to recurrent stress events
B Manikandan, J Ravindran, PJ Vidya, S Shrinivasu, R Manimurali, ...
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 13614-13625, 2017
A new insight to vulnerability of Central Odisha coast, India using analytical hierarchical process (AHP) based approach
AMVP Mani Murali R.
Journal of Coastal Conservation 22 (4), 799-819, 2018
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Articles 1–20