Karen Hilyard
Karen Hilyard
University of Georgia College of Public Health
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Exploring communication, trust in government, and vaccination intention later in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic: results of a national survey
SC Quinn, J Parmer, VS Freimuth, KM Hilyard, D Musa, KH Kim
Biosecurity and bioterrorism: biodefense strategy, practice, and science 11 …, 2013
The social ecological model as a framework for determinants of 2009 H1N1 influenza vaccine uptake in the United States
S Kumar, SC Quinn, KH Kim, D Musa, KM Hilyard, VS Freimuth
Health education & behavior 39 (2), 229-243, 2012
Blog functions as risk and crisis communication during Hurricane Katrina
W Macias, K Hilyard, V Freimuth
Journal of computer-mediated communication 15 (1), 1-31, 2009
Trust during the early stages of the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
VS Freimuth, D Musa, K Hilyard, SC Quinn, K Kim
Journal of health communication 19 (3), 321-339, 2014
Theory-based approaches to understanding public emergency preparedness: implications for effective health and risk communication
HJ Paek, K Hilyard, V Freimuth, JK Barge, M Mindlin
Journal of health communication 15 (4), 428-444, 2010
Zika vaccine misconceptions: A social media analysis
M Dredze, DA Broniatowski, KM Hilyard
Vaccine 34 (30), 3441, 2016
Understanding vaccine refusal: why we need social media now
M Dredze, DA Broniatowski, MC Smith, KM Hilyard
American journal of preventive medicine 50 (4), 550-552, 2016
Exploring the continuum of vaccine hesitancy between African American and white adults: results of a qualitative study
S Quinn, A Jamison, D Musa, K Hilyard, V Freimuth
PLoS currents 8, ecurrents. outbreaks. 3e4a5ea39d8620494e2a2c874a3c4201, 2016
Public support for government actions during a flu pandemic: lessons learned from a statewide survey
HJ Paek, K Hilyard, VS Freimuth, JK Barge, M Mindlin
Health promotion practice 9 (4_suppl), 60S-72S, 2008
Effective vaccine communication during the disneyland measles outbreak
DA Broniatowski, KM Hilyard, M Dredze
Vaccine 34 (28), 3225-3228, 2016
The influence of social norms on flu vaccination among African American and White adults
SC Quinn, KM Hilyard, AM Jamison, J An, GR Hancock, D Musa, ...
Health education research 32 (6), 473-486, 2017
WIC peer counselors’ perceptions of breastfeeding in African American women with lower incomes
TT Gross, R Powell, AK Anderson, J Hall, M Davis, K Hilyard
Journal of Human Lactation 31 (1), 99-110, 2015
The role of risk perception in flu vaccine behavior among african‐american and white adults in the united states
VS Freimuth, A Jamison, G Hancock, D Musa, K Hilyard, SC Quinn
Risk Analysis 37 (11), 2150-2163, 2017
Long-term breastfeeding in African American mothers: A positive deviance inquiry of WIC participants
TT Gross, M Davis, AK Anderson, J Hall, K Hilyard
Journal of Human Lactation 33 (1), 128-139, 2017
The vagaries of public support for government actions in case of a pandemic
KM Hilyard, VS Freimuth, D Musa, S Kumar, SC Quinn
Health Affairs 29 (12), 2294-2301, 2010
Action, not talk: a simulation of risk communication during the first hours of a pandemic
VS Freimuth, KM Hilyard, JK Barge, LA Sokler
Health promotion practice 9 (4_suppl), 35S-44S, 2008
Determinants of parental acceptance of the H1N1 vaccine
KM Hilyard, SC Quinn, KH Kim, D Musa, VS Freimuth
Health Education & Behavior 41 (3), 307-314, 2014
US public support for vaccine donation to poorer countries in the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
S Kumar, SC Quinn, KH Kim, KM Hilyard
PloS one 7 (3), e33025, 2012
Individual, interpersonal, and sociostructural factors influencing partner nonmonogamy acceptance among young African American women
AC Lima, TL Davis, K Hilyard, K deMarrais, WL Jeffries, JL Muilenburg
Sex Roles 78, 467-481, 2018
Ready or not, here it comes: Disaster preparedness messages on children's websites in the US
EL Ryan, TM Hocke, KM Hilyard
Journal of Children and Media 6 (3), 300-316, 2012
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