Ngoc-Duc Nguyen
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Cited by
Voltage Sensorless Model Predictive Control for a Grid-Connected Inverter With LCL Filter
NN Nam, ND Nguyen, C Yoon, M Choi, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (1), 740-751, 2021
Speed sensorless model predictive torque control of induction motors using a modified adaptive full-order observer
ND Nguyen, NN Nam, C Yoon, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 69 (6), 6162-6172, 2021
A standalone energy management system of battery/supercapacitor hybrid energy storage system for electric vehicles using model predictive control
ND Nguyen, C Yoon, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 70 (5), 5104-5114, 2022
Disturbance Observer-Based Robust Model Predictive Control for a Voltage Sensorless Grid-Connected Inverter With an LCL Filter
NN Nam, ND Nguyen, C Yoon, YI Lee
IEEE Access 9, 109793-109805, 2021
Disturbance Observer-Based Model Predictive Voltage Control for Electric-Vehicle Charging Station in Distribution Networks
DJ Kim, B Kim, C Yoon, ND Nguyen, YI Lee
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 14 (1), 545-558, 2022
Docking assessment algorithm for autonomous underwater vehicles
MT Vu, HS Choi, TQM Nhat, ND Nguyen, SD Lee, TH Le, J Sur
Applied Ocean Research 100, 102180, 2020
Analytical design of an underwater construction robot on the slope with an up-cutting mode operation of a cutter bar
MT Vu, HS Choi, ND Nguyen, SK Kim
Applied Ocean Research 86, 289-309, 2019
Experimental study of dynamic stability of underwater vehicle-manipulator system using zero moment point
JI Kang, HS Choi, NN Duc, DH Ji, JY and Kim
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 25 (6), 767-774, 2017
Navigation and Control of Underwater Tracked Vehicle Using Ultrashort Baseline and Ring Laser Gyro Sensors.
DH Ji, HS Choi, ND Nguyen, SK Kim
Sensors & Materials 31, 2019
Model Predictive Control for a Voltage Sensorless Grid-Connected Inverter With LCL Filter Using Lumped Disturbance Observer
NN Nam, ND Nguyen, YI Lee
IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics 11 (3 …, 2023
Robust Adaptive Depth Control of Hybrid Underwater Glider in Vertical Plane
ND Nguyen, H Choi, HS Jin, J Huang, JH Lee
Advances in Technology Innovation 5 (3), 135, 2020
Robust Adaptive Heading Control for a Ray-Type Hybrid Underwater Glider with Propellers
ND Nguyen, HS Choi, SW Lee
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (10), 363, 2019
Study on design, analysis and control an underwater thruster for unmanned underwater vehicle (UUV)
NH Tran, QTD Tran, ND Nguyen, HS Choi
AETA 2017-Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences …, 2018
Simulation and experimental validation for dynamic stability of underwater vehicle-manipulator system
JI Kang, HS Choi, ND Nguyen, JY Kim, DH Kim
OCEANS 2017-Anchorage, 1-5, 2017
Control and implementation of underwater vehicle manipulator system using zero moment point
JI Kang, HS Choi, BH Jun, ND Nguyen, JY Kim
2017 IEEE Underwater Technology (UT), 1-5, 2017
Redundancy analysis and motion control using ZMP equation for underwater vehicle-manipulator systems
DH Ji, D Kim, JI Kang, JY Kim, ND Nguyen, HS Choi, SW Byun
OCEANS 2016-Shanghai, 1-6, 2016
A Model Predictive Voltage Control for Dual-active-bridge DC-DC Converter Using Generalized Averaging Model
ND Nguyen, YI Lee
International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems 21 (8), 2455-2463, 2023
Steering and Diving Control of a Small-Sized AUV
NH Tran, HS Choi, ND Nguyen, SW Jo, JY Kim
AETA 2015: Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences …, 2016
Development of Ray-Type Underwater Glider
ND Nguyen, HS Choi, NH Tran, SK Kim
AETA 2017-Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences …, 2018
Simulation and experiment of underwater vehicle manipulator system using zero-moment point method
ND Nguyen, HS Choi, NH Tran, SK Kim
AETA 2017-Recent Advances in Electrical Engineering and Related Sciences …, 2018
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Articles 1–20