Andrea Festa
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Cited by
Mélanges and mélange-forming processes: a historical overview and new concepts
A Festa, GA Pini, Y Dilek, G Codegone
International Geology Review 52 (10-12), 1040-1105, 2010
Note Illustrative della Carta Geologica d'Italia alla scala 1: 50,000. Foglio 156 ‘Torino Est’
A Festa, F Dela Pierre, A Irace, F Piana, G Fioraso, S Lucchesi, MG Forno
ISPRA, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale …, 2009
Geology and tectonic evolution of the Central-Southern Apennines, Italy
L Vezzani, A Festa, FC Ghisetti
Geological Society of America, 2010
Mechanisms and processes of stratal disruption and mixing in the development of mélanges and broken formations: Redefining and classifying mélanges
A Festa, Y Dilek, GA Pini, G Codegone, K Ogata
Tectonophysics 568, 7-24, 2012
Origin and significance of olistostromes in the evolution of orogenic belts: A global synthesis
A Festa, K Ogata, GA Pini, Y Dilek, JL Alonso
Gondwana Research 39, 180-203, 2016
Diagnostic features and field-criteria in recognition of tectonic, sedimentary and diapiric mélanges in orogenic belts and exhumed subduction-accretion complexes
A Festa, GA Pini, K Ogata, Y Dilek
Gondwana Research 74 (, 7-30, 2019
Interaction of tectonic, sedimentary, and diapiric processes in the origin of chaotic sediments: An example from the Messinian of Torino Hill (Tertiary Piedmont Basin …
F Dela Pierre, A Festa, A Irace
Geological Society of America Bulletin 119 (9-10), 1107-1119, 2007
Shear zone liquefaction in mass transport deposit emplacement: a multi-scale integration of seismic reflection and outcrop data
K Ogata, JJ Mountjoy, GA Pini, A Festa, R Tinterri
Marine Geology 356, 50-64, 2014
The carbonate mass transport deposits of the Paleogene Friuli Basin (Italy/Slovenia): Internal anatomy and inferred genetic processes
K Ogata, Ž Pogačnik, GA Pini, G Tunis, A Festa, A Camerlenghi, ...
Marine Geology 356, 88-110, 2014
Peri-Adriatic mélanges and their evolution in the Tethyan realm
A Festa, GA Pini, Y Dilek, G Codegone, L Vezzani, F Ghisetti, CC Lucente, ...
International Geology Review 52 (4-6), 369-403, 2010
Late Oligocene–early Miocene olistostromes (sedimentary mélanges) as tectono-stratigraphic constraints to the geodynamic evolution of the exhumed Ligurian accretionary complex …
A Festa, K Ogata, GA Pini, Y Dilek, G Codegone
International Geology Review 57 (5-8), 540-562, 2015
Structural architecture of the Western Alpine Ophiolites, and the Jurassic seafloor spreading tectonics of the Alpine Tethys
G Balestro, A Festa, Y Dilek
Journal of the Geological Society 176 (5), 913-930, 2019
A Jurassic oceanic core complex in the high-pressure Monviso ophiolite (western Alps, NW Italy)
A Festa, G Balestro, Y Dilek, P Tartarotti
Lithosphere 7 (6), 646-652, 2015
Carta geologica del Molise (scala 1:100.000)
FA Vezzani L., Ghisetti F.
S.El.Ca Firenze, 2004
The role of structural inheritance in continental break-up and exhumation of Alpine Tethyan mantle (Canavese Zone, Western Alps)
AS A Festa, G Balestro, A Borghi, S De Caroli
Geoscience Frontiers 11 (, 167-188, 2020
Structural anatomy of the Ligurian accretionary wedge (Monferrato, NW Italy), and evolution of superposed mélanges
A Festa, Y Dilek, G Codegone, S Cavagna, GA Pini
Bulletin 125 (9-10), 1580-1598, 2013
Sedimentary mélanges and fossil mass-transport complexes: a key for better understanding submarine mass movements?
GA Pini, K Ogata, A Camerlenghi, A Festa, CC Lucente, G Codegone
Submarine Mass Movements and Their Consequences: 5th International Symposium …, 2012
Small-scale polygenetic mélanges in the Ligurian accretionary complex, Northern Apennines, Italy, and the role of shale diapirism in superposed mélange evolution in orogenic belts
G Codegone, A Festa, Y Dilek, GA Pini
Tectonophysics 568, 170-184, 2012
Tectonic, sedimentary, and diapiric formation of the Messinian melange: Tertiary Piedmont Basin (northwestern Italy)
A Festa
Pre-Alpine extensional tectonics of a peridotite-localized oceanic core complex in the Late Jurassic, high-pressure Monviso ophiolite (Western Alps)
G Balestro, A Festa, Y Dilek, P Tartarotti
Episodes 38 (4), 266-282, 2015
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Articles 1–20