Felix Balzer
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Cited by
COVID-19 severity correlates with airway epithelium–immune cell interactions identified by single-cell analysis
RL Chua, S Lukassen, S Trump, BP Hennig, D Wendisch, F Pott, ...
Nature biotechnology 38 (8), 970-979, 2020
Early deep sedation is associated with decreased in-hospital and two-year follow-up survival
F Balzer, B Weiß, O Kumpf, S Treskatsch, C Spies, KD Wernecke, ...
Critical care 19, 1-9, 2015
Minor postoperative increases of creatinine are associated with higher mortality and longer hospital length of stay in surgical patients
F Kork, F Balzer, CD Spies, KD Wernecke, AA Ginde, J Jankowski, ...
Anesthesiology 123 (6), 1301, 2015
Delirium, sedation and analgesia in the intensive care unit: a multinational, two-part survey among intensivists
A Luetz, F Balzer, FM Radtke, C Jones, G Citerio, B Walder, B Weiss, ...
PloS one 9 (11), e110935, 2014
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in critically ill patients: diagnostic reliability of HLH-2004 criteria and HScore
C Knaak, P Nyvlt, FS Schuster, C Spies, P Heeren, T Schenk, F Balzer, ...
Critical Care 24, 1-9, 2020
Improvements in patient monitoring in the intensive care unit: survey study
AS Poncette, L Mosch, C Spies, M Schmieding, F Schiefenhövel, ...
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (6), e19091, 2020
Does the severity of preoperative anemia or blood transfusion have a stronger impact on long-term survival after cardiac surgery?
C Von Heymann, L Kaufner, M Sander, C Spies, K Schmidt, H Gombotz, ...
The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery 152 (5), 1412-1420, 2016
Routine frailty assessment predicts postoperative complications in elderly patients across surgical disciplines–a retrospective observational study
O Birkelbach, R Mörgeli, C Spies, M Olbert, B Weiss, M Brauner, ...
BMC anesthesiology 19, 1-10, 2019
Clinical requirements of future patient monitoring in the intensive care unit: qualitative study
AS Poncette, C Spies, L Mosch, M Schieler, S Weber-Carstens, H Krampe, ...
JMIR medical informatics 7 (2), e13064, 2019
Hyperferritinemia in critically ill patients
G Lachmann, C Knaak, G Vorderwülbecke, P La Rosée, F Balzer, ...
Critical care medicine 48 (4), 459-465, 2020
Undergraduate medical competencies in digital health and curricular module development: mixed methods study
AS Poncette, DL Glauert, L Mosch, K Braune, F Balzer, DA Back
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (10), e22161, 2020
Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: potentially underdiagnosed in intensive care units
G Lachmann, C Spies, T Schenk, FM Brunkhorst, F Balzer, P La Rosée
Shock 50 (2), 149-155, 2018
Development and alignment of undergraduate medical curricula in a web-based, dynamic Learning Opportunities, Objectives and Outcome Platform (LOOOP)
F Balzer, WE Hautz, C Spies, A Bietenbeck, M Dittmar, F Sugiharto, ...
Medical teacher 38 (4), 369-377, 2016
Triage accuracy of symptom checker apps: 5-year follow-up evaluation
ML Schmieding, M Kopka, K Schmidt, S Schulz-Niethammer, F Balzer, ...
Journal of Medical Internet Research 24 (5), e31810, 2022
Predictive ability of the stability and workload index for transfer score to predict unplanned readmissions after ICU discharge
M Kastrup, R Powollik, F Balzer, S Röber, R Ahlborn, ...
Critical care medicine 41 (7), 1608-1615, 2013
Preoperative depression and hospital length of stay in surgical patients
LF Kerper, CD Spies, P Buspavanich, F Balzer, AL Salz, S Tafelski, A Lau, ...
Minerva Anestesiol 80 (9), 984-91, 2014
Predictors of survival in critically ill patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): an observational study
F Balzer, M Menk, J Ziegler, C Pille, KD Wernecke, C Spies, M Schmidt, ...
BMC anesthesiology 16, 1-8, 2016
Comparison of the non-invasive Nexfin® monitor with conventional methods for the measurement of arterial blood pressure in moderate risk orthopaedic surgery patients
F Balzer, M Habicher, M Sander, J Sterr, S Scholz, A Feldheiser, M Müller, ...
Journal of International Medical Research 44 (4), 832-843, 2016
Hackathons as stepping stones in health care innovation: case study with systematic recommendations
AS Poncette, PD Rojas, J Hofferbert, A Valera Sosa, F Balzer, K Braune
Journal of medical Internet research 22 (3), e17004, 2020
Long-term sequelae of acute respiratory distress syndrome caused by severe community-acquired pneumonia: Delirium-associated cognitive impairment and post-traumatic stress disorder
C Denke, F Balzer, M Menk, S Szur, G Brosinsky, S Tafelski, ...
Journal of International Medical Research 46 (6), 2265-2283, 2018
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Articles 1–20