Articles with public access mandates - Barry O'DwyerLearn more
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The response of North Atlantic diadromous fish to multiple stressors, including land use change: a multidecadal study
E De Eyto, C Dalton, M Dillane, E Jennings, P McGinnity, B O’Dwyer, ...
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 73 (12), 1759-1769, 2016
Mandates: Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Anthropocene environmental change in an internationally important oligotrophic catchment on the Atlantic seaboard of western Europe
C Dalton, B O’dwyer, D Taylor, E De Eyto, E Jennings, G Chen, R Poole, ...
Anthropocene 5, 9-21, 2014
Mandates: Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
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