Ron Hackney
Ron Hackney
Director, Australia New Zealand IODP Consortium, Australian National University
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Three‐dimensional density model of the Nazca plate and the Andean continental margin
A Tassara, HJ Götze, S Schmidt, R Hackney
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 111 (B9), 2006
Elastic thickness structure of South America estimated using wavelets and satellite-derived gravity data
A Tassara, C Swain, R Hackney, J Kirby
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 253 (1-2), 17-36, 2007
Geodetic versus geophysical perspectives of the ‘gravity anomaly’
RI Hackney, WE Featherstone
Geophysical Journal International 154 (1), 35-43, 2003
A laboratory investigation of effects of trench migration on the descent of subducted slabs
RW Griffiths, RI Hackney, RD van der Hilst
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 133 (1-2), 1-17, 1995
Uplift of the Transantarctic Mountains and the bedrock beneath the East Antarctic ice sheet
US ten Brink, RI Hackney, S Bannister, TA Stern, Y Makovsky
Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (B12), 27,603-27,621, 1997
Lithosphere delamination with foundering of lower crust and mantle caused permanent subsidence of New Caledonia Trough and transient uplift of Lord Howe Rise during Eocene and …
R Sutherland, J Collot, Y Lafoy, GA Logan, R Hackney, V Stagpoole, ...
Tectonics 29 (2), 2010
The segmented overriding plate and coupling at the south-central Chilean margin (36–42 S)
RI Hackney, HP Echtler, G Franz, HJ Götze, F Lucassen, D Marchenko, ...
The Andes: Active Subduction Orogeny, 355-374, 2006
Long-term signals in the present-day deformation field of the Central and Southern Andes and constraints on the viscosity of the Earth’s upper mantle
J Klotz, A Abolghasem, G Khazaradze, B Heinze, T Vietor, R Hackney, ...
The Andes: active subduction orogeny, 65-89, 2006
Gravity anomalies, crustal structure and isostasy associated with the Proterozoic Capricorn Orogen, Western Australia
R Hackney
Precambrian Research 128 (3-4), 219-236, 2004
Seafloor features and fluid migration in the Capel and Faust basins, offshore eastern Australia
N Rollet, S McGiveron, T Hashimoto, R Hackney, P Petkovic, K Higgins, ...
Marine and petroleum geology 35 (1), 269-291, 2012
Compilation of seismic reflection data from the Tasman Frontier region, southwest Pacific
R Sutherland, P Viskovic, F Bache, VM Stagpoole, J Collot, P Rouillard, ...
GNS Science Report 2012/01, 2012
Intrusion versus inversion—a 3D density model of the southern rim of the Northwest German Basin
F Bilgili, HJ Götze, R Pašteka, S Schmidt, R Hackney
International Journal of Earth Sciences 98, 571-583, 2009
Northern extension of active petroleum systems in the offshore Perth Basin—an integrated stratigraphic, geochemical, geomechanical and seepage study
N Rollet, M Pfahl, A Jones, J Kennard, C Nicholson, E Grosjean, D Mantle, ...
Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia (PESA), 2013
Structural analysis of extended Australian continental crust: Capel and Faust basins, Lord Howe Rise
K Higgins, T Hashimoto, N Rollet, J Colwell, R Hackney, P Milligan
Rifting and subduction initiation history of the New Caledonia Trough, southwest Pacific, constrained by process-oriented gravity models
R Hackney, R Sutherland, J Collot
Geophysical Journal International, 2012
Crustal structure across the Lord Howe Rise, northern Zealandia, and rifting of the eastern Gondwana margin
F Gallais, G Fujie, B Boston, R Hackney, S Kodaira, S Miura, Y Nakamura, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (3), 3036-3056, 2019
Potential-field data in integrated frontier basin geophysics: Successes and challenges on Australia's continental margin
R Hackney, J Goodwin, L Hall, K Higgins, N Holzrichter, S Johnston, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 59, 611-637, 2015
Gravity, Data to anomalies
R Hackney
Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, 524-533, 2011
Delayed subsidence after rifting and a record of breakup for northwestern Zealandia
B Boston, Y Nakamura, F Gallais, R Hackney, G Fujie, S Kodaira, S Miura, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 124 (3), 3057-3072, 2019
The gravity effect of the subducted slab beneath the Vrancea region, Romania
R Hackney, M Martin, A Ismail-Zadeh, B Sperner, D Ioane, ...
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Articles 1–20