Jeff Sedayao
Cited by
Cited by
Adaptive data striping and replication across multiple storage clouds for high availability and performance
JC Sedayao, SS Chahal
US Patent 9,348,840, 2016
Nausea and seizure detection, prediction, and mitigation for head-mounted displays
WC DeLeeuw, JC Sedayao
US Patent 9,618,749, 2017
Developing an Enterprise Cloud Computing Strategy
H Li, HS Jay, E Jimison, C Spence, S Chahal, J Sedayao
정보처리학회지 16 (2), 4-16, 2009
Virtual core abstraction for cloud computing
JC Sedayao, CA Smith, H Li, TH Yoshii, CD Black, V Hassan, DW Stone
US Patent 10,176,018, 2019
Making big data, privacy, and anonymization work together in the enterprise: experiences and issues
J Sedayao, R Bhardwaj, N Gorade
2014 IEEE International Congress on Big Data, 601-607, 2014
Application service performance in cloud computing
JC Sedayao, V Hassan, H Li, CA Smith, TH Yoshii, DW Stone, CD Black
US Patent 8,863,138, 2014
Mosaic will kill my network!
J Sedayao
Electronic Proc. 2nd World Wide Web Conference: Mosaic and Web, 1994
Enhancing cloud security using data anonymization
J Sedayao, IIT Enterprise Architect
White Paper, Intel Corporation 17, 2012
An architectural vision for a data-centric iot: Rethinking things, trust and clouds
EM Schooler, D Zage, J Sedayao, H Moustafa, A Brown, M Ambrosin
2017 IEEE 37th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems …, 2017
Implementing and operating an internet scale distributed application using service oriented architecture principles and cloud computing infrastructure
J Sedayao
Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Integration …, 2008
Data management in an information-centric network
VS Somayazulu, EM Schooler, H Moustafa, AS Brown, R Vannithamby, ...
US Patent 10,356,197, 2019
Real-time performance assessment of large area network user experience
CL Bickerstaff, MA Vanantwerp, WW Love, SP Purcell, LJ Widmer, ...
US Patent 7,523,190, 2009
Horses and Barn Doors: Evolution of Corporate Guidelines for Internet Usage.
S Hambridge, J Sedayao
LISA, 1993
Cisco IOS Access Lists
J Sedayao
" O'Reilly Media, Inc.", 2001
Technology for managing cloud storage
RM Bhardwaj, V Hassan, TA Mant, CD Black, JC Sedayao, TH Yoshi, ...
US Patent US9547654B2, 2017
Apparatus for end-user transparent utilization of computational, storage, and network capacity of mobile devices, and associated methods
J Sedayao, J Vicente, S Rungta, W Chan
US Patent 8,280,431, 2012
Quality of name resolution in the domain name system
C Deccio, CC Chen, P Mohapatra, J Sedayao, K Kant
2009 17th IEEE International Conference on Network Protocols, 113-122, 2009
Method and system for location-based notifications relating to an emergency event
MS Breton, WM Bush, DW Stone, JC Sedayao, CK Pickering
US Patent App. 13/997,742, 2014
A simple technique for securing data at rest stored in a computing cloud
J Sedayao, S Su, X Ma, M Jiang, K Miao
Cloud Computing: First International Conference, CloudCom 2009, Beijing …, 2009
A Shared Global Event Propagation System to Enable Next Generation Distributed Services.
P Brett, RC Knauerhase, M Bowman, R Adams, A Nataraj, J Sedayao, ...
WORLDS, 2004
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Articles 1–20