Tat-Chee Wan
Tat-Chee Wan
Associate Professor (Retired), Universiti Sains Malaysia
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EESRA: Energy efficient scalable routing algorithm for wireless sensor networks
EFA Elsmany, MA Omar, TC Wan, AA Altahir
IEEE Access 7, 96974-96983, 2019
Phishing dynamic evolving neural fuzzy framework for online detection zero-day phishing email
A Almomani, BB Gupta, T Wan, A Altaher, S Manickam
arXiv preprint arXiv:1302.0629, 2013
Efficient route discovery and link failure detection mechanisms for source routing protocol in mobile ad-hoc networks
BH Khudayer, M Anbar, SM Hanshi, TC Wan
IEEE Access 8, 24019-24032, 2020
Survey on the Incorporation of NDN/CCN in IoT
A Aboodi, TC Wan, GC Sodhy
IEEE Access 7, 71827-71858, 2019
Energy efficient multi-hop path in wireless sensor networks using an enhanced genetic algorithm
M Al-Shalabi, M Anbar, TC Wan, Z Alqattan
Information Sciences 500, 259-273, 2019
Bluetooth low energy mesh networks: Survey of communication and security protocols
MR Ghori, TC Wan, GC Sodhy
Sensors 20 (12), 3590, 2020
Variants of the low-energy adaptive clustering hierarchy protocol: Survey, issues and challenges
M Al-Shalabi, M Anbar, TC Wan, A Khasawneh
Electronics 7 (8), 136, 2018
Evolving fuzzy neural network for phishing emails detection
A Almomani, TC Wan, A Altaher, A Manasrah, E ALmomani, M Anbar, ...
Journal of Computer Science 8 (7), 1099, 2012
A survey on analytical modeling and mitigation techniques for the energy hole problem in corona-based wireless sensor network
H Asharioun, H Asadollahi, TC Wan, N Gharaei
Wireless Personal Communications 81, 161-187, 2015
Performance evaluation of ieee 802.15. 4 ad hoc wireless sensor networks: Simulation approach
WTH Woon, TC Wan
2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics 2, 1443-1448, 2006
Qos multicast routing based on bandwidth estimation in mobile ad Hoc networks
M Saghir, TC Wan, R Budiarto
Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer and Communication …, 2006
Performance evaluation of IEEE 802.15. 4 wireless multi-hop networks: simulation and testbed approach
WTH Woon, TC Wan
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing 3 (1), 57-66, 2008
Message passing based time synchronization in wireless sensor networks: A survey
MA Sarvghadi, TC Wan
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks 12 (5), 1280904, 2016
An online model on evolving phishing e-mail detection and classification method
AA Deeb Al-Mo, TC Wan, K Al-Saedi, A Altaher, S Ramadass, ...
Journal of Applied Sciences 11 (18), 3301-3307, 2011
Load balancing qos multicast routing protocol in mobile ad hoc networks
M Saghir, TC Wan, R Budiarto
Technologies for Advanced Heterogeneous Networks: First Asian Internet …, 2005
Evaluation of WiFi-based indoor (WBI) positioning algorithm
A Aboodi, TC Wan
2012 Third FTRA International Conference on Mobile, Ubiquitous, and …, 2012
Survey and new approach in service discovery and advertisement for mobile ad hoc networks
SAH Seno, R Budiarto, TC Wan
International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security 7 (2), 275-284, 2007
Filtration model for the detection of malicious traffic in large-scale networks
AA Ahmed, A Jantan, TC Wan
Computer Communications 82, 59-70, 2016
A routing layer-based hierarchical service advertisement and discovery for MANETs
SAH Seno, R Budiarto, TC Wan
Ad Hoc Networks 9 (3), 355-367, 2011
Survey on indoor wireless positioning techniques: Towards adaptive systems
M Abdat, TC Wan, S Supramaniam
2010 International Conference on Distributed Frameworks for Multimedia …, 2010
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Articles 1–20