Kai-Lung Hui
Cited by
Cited by
The value of privacy assurance: An exploratory field experiment
KL Hui, HH Teo, SYT Lee
MIS quarterly, 19-33, 2007
Overcoming online information privacy concerns: An information-processing theory approach
IH Hann, KL Hui, SYT Lee, IPL Png
Journal of management information systems 24 (2), 13-42, 2007
The challenges of personal data markets and privacy
S Spiekermann, A Acquisti, R Böhme, KL Hui
Electronic markets 25, 161-167, 2015
Online information privacy: Measuring the cost-benefit trade-off
IH Hann, KL Hui, T Lee, I Png
ICIS 2002 proceedings, 1, 2002
What makes a review voted? An empirical investigation of review voting in online review systems
KKY Kuan, KL Hui, P Prasarnphanich, HY Lai
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 16 (1), 1, 2015
Determinants of small business EDI adoption: an empirical investigation
PYK Chau, KL Hui
Journal of organizational computing and electronic commerce 11 (4), 229-252, 2001
Identifying early adopters of new IT products: A case of Windows 95
PYK Chau, KL Hui
Information & management 33 (5), 225-230, 1998
Online information disclosure: Motivators and measurements
KL Hui, BCY Tan, CY Goh
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 6 (4), 415-441, 2006
Piracy and the legitimate demand for recorded music
KL Hui, I Png
Contributions in Economic Analysis & Policy 2 (1), 1-22, 2003
Economics of privacy
KL Hui, IPL Png
Elsevier, June, 2005
Classifying digital products
KL Hui, PYK Chau
Communications of the ACM 45 (6), 73-79, 2002
Consumer privacy and marketing avoidance: A static model
IH Hann, KL Hui, SYT Lee, IPL Png
Management science 54 (6), 1094-1103, 2008
Cybercrime deterrence and international legislation
KL Hui, SH Kim, QH Wang
Mis Quarterly 41 (2), 497-524, 2017
Internet opt-in and opt-out: investigating the roles of frames, defaults and privacy concerns
YL Lai, KL Hui
Proceedings of the 2006 ACM SIGMIS CPR conference on computer personnel …, 2006
Product variety under brand influence: An empirical investigation of personal computer demand
KL Hui
Management Science 50 (5), 686-700, 2004
On the supply of creative work: Evidence from the movies
KL Hui, IPL Png
American Economic Review 92 (2), 217-220, 2002
Monetary incentives and knowledge spillover: Evidence from a natural experiment
J Wang, G Li, KL Hui
Management Science 68 (5), 3549-3572, 2022
Information security outsourcing with system interdependency and mandatory security requirement
KL Hui, W Hui, WT Yue
Journal of Management Information Systems 29 (3), 117-156, 2012
Inducing customers to disclose personal information to internet businesses with social adjustment benefits
Y Lu, B Tan, KL Hui
See no evil, hear no evil? Dissecting the impact of online hacker forums
WT Yue, QH Wang, KL Hui
Mis Quarterly 43 (1), 73-A20, 2019
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Articles 1–20