Marilyn E Noz, M.E. Noz, M.Noz
Marilyn E Noz, M.E. Noz, M.Noz
Professor Emerita of Radiology, New York Unversity
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Cited by
Comparison and evaluation of retrospective intermodality brain image registration techniques
J West, JM Fitzpatrick, MY Wang, BM Dawant, CR Maurer Jr, RM Kessler, ...
Journal of computer assisted tomography 21 (4), 554-568, 1997
Phase space picture of quantum mechanics: group theoretical approach
YS Kim, ME Noz
World Scientific, 1991
The radiologic prediction of Alzheimer disease: the atrophic hippocampal formation.
MJ De Leon, J Golomb, AE George, A Convit, CY Tarshish, T McRae, ...
American Journal of Neuroradiology 14 (4), 897-906, 1993
Bowel obstruction: evaluation with CT.
AJ Megibow, EJ Balthazar, KC Cho, SW Medwid, BA Birnbaum, ME Noz
Radiology 180 (2), 313-318, 1991
Theory and applications of the Poincaré group
YS Kim, M Noz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Covariant harmonic oscillators and the quark model
YS Kim, ME Noz
Physical Review D 8 (10), 3521, 1973
Graphics applied to medical image registration
GQ Maguire, ME Noz, H Rusinek, J Jaeger, EL Kramer, JJ Sanger, ...
IEEE Computer graphics and applications 11 (2), 20-28, 1991
Dynamic three-dimensional MR renography for the measurement of single kidney function: initial experience
VS Lee, H Rusinek, ME Noz, P Lee, M Raghavan, EL Kramer
Radiology 227 (1), 289-294, 2003
Definitive diagnosis of hepatic hemangiomas: MR imaging versus Tc-99m-labeled red blood cell SPECT.
BA Birnbaum, JC Weinreb, AJ Megibow, JJ Sanger, E Lubat, ...
Radiology 176 (1), 95-101, 1990
Hepatocellular tumors: characterization with Mn-DPDP-enhanced MR imaging.
NM Rofsky, JC Weinreb, ME Bernardino, SW Young, JK Lee, ME Noz
Radiology 188 (1), 53-59, 1993
A new CT method for measuring cup orientation after total hip arthroplasty a study of 10 patients
H Olivecrona, L Weidenhielm, L Olivecrona, M Beckman, A Stark, M Noz, ...
Acta Orthopaedica Scandinavica 75 (3), 252-260, 2004
Illustrative example of Feynman’s rest of the universe
D Han, YS Kim, ME Noz
American Journal of Physics 67 (1), 61-66, 1999
Radioimmunotherapy for breast cancer using indium-lll/yttrium-90 BrE-3: Results of a phase I clinical trial
SJ DeNardo, EL Kramer, RT O'Donnell, CM Richman, QA Salako, S Shen, ...
Journal of Nuclear Medicine 38 (8), 1180-1185, 1997
Covariant harmonic oscillators and the parton picture
YS Kim, ME Noz
Physical Review D 15 (1), 335, 1977
Linear canonical transformations of coherent and squeezed states in the Wigner phase space
D Han, YS Kim, ME Noz
Special Relativity and Quantum Theory: A Collection of Papers on the …, 1988
Stokes parameters as a Minkowskian four-vector
D Han, YS Kim, ME Noz
Physical Review E 56 (5), 6065, 1997
Impact of fusion of indium-111 capromab pendetide volume data sets with those from MRI or CT in patients with recurrent prostate cancer
CJ Schettino, EL Kramer, ME Noz, S Taneja, P Padmanabhan, H Lepor
American Journal of Roentgenology 183 (2), 519-524, 2004
CT-SPECT fusion to correlate radiolabeled monoclonal antibody uptake with abdominal CT findings.
EL Kramer, ME Noz, JJ Sanger, AJ Megibow, GQ Maguire
Radiology 172 (3), 861-865, 1989
Principal axes and surface fitting methods for three-dimensional image registration
H Rusinek, WH Tsui, AV Levy, ME Noz, MJ de Leon
Journal of nuclear medicine 34 (11), 2019-2024, 1993
Correlation methods for tomographic images using two and three dimensional techniques
GQ Maguire Jr, ME Noz, EM Lee, JH Schimpf
Information Processing in Medical Imaging: Proceedings of the 9th conference …, 1986
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