Lorenzo Feltrin
Lorenzo Feltrin
Department of Humanities, Ca' Foscari University of Venice
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Cited by
The work-technology nexus and working-class environmentalism: Workerism versus capitalist noxiousness in Italy’s Long 1968
L Feltrin, D Sacchetto
Theory and society 50, 815-835, 2021
Noxious deindustrialization: experiences of precarity and pollution in Scotland’s petrochemical capital
L Feltrin, A Mah, D Brown
Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 2022
Labour and democracy in the Maghreb: The Moroccan and Tunisian trade unions in the 2011 Arab Uprisings
L Feltrin
Economic and Industrial Democracy 40 (1), 42-64, 2019
The struggles of precarious youth in Tunisia: The case of the Kerkennah movement
L Feltrin
Review of African Political Economy 45 (155), 44-63, 2018
Situating class in workplace and community environmentalism: Working-class environmentalism and deindustrialisation in Porto Marghera, Venice
L Feltrin
The sociological review 70 (6), 1141-1162, 2022
Noxious deindustrialisation and extractivism: Quintero-Puchuncaví in the international division of labour and noxiousness
L Feltrin, G Julio Medel
New Political Economy 29 (2), 173-191, 2024
The Moroccan system of labour institutions: a class-based perspective
L Feltrin
Third World Quarterly 41 (7), 1240-1260, 2020
Between the hammer and the anvil: The trade unions and the 2011 Arab Uprisings in Morocco and Tunisia
L Feltrin
University of Warwick, 2018
Dall’ambientalismo operaio alla giustizia climatica. La sfida della convergenza, oggi
E Leonardi, L Feltrin
Un piano per il futuro della fabbrica di Firenze. Dall’ex GKN alla fabbrica …, 2022
Un piano per il futuro della fabbrica di Firenze
V Cirillo, L Feltrin, E Leonardi, D Salvetti
Dall’ex GKN Alla Fabbrica Socialmente Integrata (46, 114, 2022
Working-class environmentalism and climate justice
L Feltrin, E Leonardi
The challenge of the global ecological crisis for world politics, 49, 2023
Converging Struggles: Working-Class Composition, Technological Development, and Ecological Politics
L Feltrin, E Leonardi
Working-class environmentalism and climate justice: Strategic converging for an ecological transition from below
L Feltrin, E Leonardi
RELAÇÕES INTERNACIONAIS 2023 (Special Issue), 49-61, 2023
Noxious Deindustrialisation: Connecting Precarity and the Ecological Crisis
L Feltrin
Exiting the false “jobs versus environment” dilemma
L Feltrin
Reflecting on Noxious Deindustrialisation: From Paradox to Paradigm?
L Feltrin
L'UGTT, une passion tunisienne: Enquête sur les syndicalistes en révolution (2011–2014); Workers and thieves: labor movements and popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt
L Feltrin
The Journal of North African Studies 21 (3), 528-531, 2016
A Planet on Fire Fell into the Sea: Communities and Workplaces in Porto Marghera’s Deindustrialisation
L Feltrin, G Julio Medel
Political Participations in Sacrifice Areas: Workers and Community-Based …, 2025
" Contra la nocividad": balance del Otoño caliente de 1969
L Feltrin
Viento sur: Por una izquierda alternativa, 81-94, 2024
Dal" miracolo cileno" all'estallido social: la resistenza del mondo del lavoro
G Julio Medel, L Feltrin
Meridiana: rivista di storia e scienze sociali: 109, 1, 2024, 122-141, 2024
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Articles 1–20