Alain Jacot
Alain Jacot
Professor of Solidification Research, Brunel University
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Last-stage solidification of alloys: theoretical model of dendrite-arm and grain coalescence
M Rappaz, A Jacot, WJ Boettinger
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 34, 467-479, 2003
A pseudo-front tracking technique for the modelling of solidification microstructures in multi-component alloys
A Jacot, M Rappaz
Acta Materialia 50 (8), 1909-1926, 2002
A combined model for the description of austenitization, homogenization and grain growth in hypoeutectoid Fe–C steels during heating
A Jacot, M Rappaz
Acta materialia 47 (5), 1645-1651, 1999
A two-dimensional diffusion model for the prediction of phase transformations: Application to austenitization and homogenization of hypoeutectoid Fe-C steels
A Jacot, M Rappaz
Acta materialia 45 (2), 575-585, 1997
Laser repair of superalloy single crystals with varying substrate orientations
S Mokadem, C Bezençon, A Hauert, A Jacot, W Kurz
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 38, 1500-1510, 2007
Modelling of reaustenitization from the pearlite structure in steel
A Jacot, M Rappaz, RC Reed
Acta materialia 46 (11), 3949-3962, 1998
A two-dimensional microsegregation model for the description of microstructure formation during solidification in multicomponent alloys: Formulation and behaviour of the model
Q Du, A Jacot
Acta Materialia 53 (12), 3479-3493, 2005
Coalescence of equiaxed grains during solidification
V Mathier, A Jacot, M Rappaz
Modelling and simulation in materials science and engineering 12 (3), 479, 2004
Modeling of precipitate-free zone formed upon homogenization in a multi-component alloy
CA Gandin, A Jacot
Acta Materialia 55 (7), 2539-2553, 2007
Numerical simulation of precipitation in multicomponent Ni-base alloys
L Rougier, A Jacot, CA Gandin, P Di Napoli, PY Théry, D Ponsen, ...
Acta Materialia 61 (17), 6396-6405, 2013
Two-dimensional modelling and experimental study on microsegregation during solidification of an Al–Cu binary alloy
Q Du, DG Eskin, A Jacot, L Katgerman
Acta materialia 55 (5), 1523-1532, 2007
3D stochastic modelling of equiaxed solidification in the presence of grain movement
C Charbon, A Jacot, M Rappaz
Acta metallurgica et materialia 42 (12), 3953-3966, 1994
Three-dimensional phase-field simulation of micropore formation during solidification: Morphological analysis and pinching effect
H Meidani, JL Desbiolles, A Jacot, M Rappaz
Acta materialia 60 (6-7), 2518-2527, 2012
A complete computer aided engineering (CAE) modelling and optimization of high pressure die casting (HPDC) process
K Dou, E Lordan, YJ Zhang, A Jacot, ZY Fan
Journal of Manufacturing Processes 60, 435-446, 2020
Atom probe tomography of secondary γ′ precipitation in a single crystal Ni-based superalloy after isothermal aging at 1100° C
XP Tan, D Mangelinck, C Perrin-Pellegrino, L Rougier, CA Gandin, ...
Journal of alloys and compounds 611, 389-394, 2014
Phase-field simulation of micropores constrained by the dendritic network during solidification
H Meidani, A Jacot
Acta Materialia 59 (8), 3032-3040, 2011
Application of inverse methods to the estimation of boundary conditions and properties
M Rappaz, JL Desbiolles, JM Drezet, C Gandin, A Jacot, P Thévoz
Modeling of Casting, Welding and Advanced Solidification Processes VII, 449-457, 1995
A novel approach to optimize mechanical properties for aluminium alloy in High pressure die casting (HPDC) process combining experiment and modelling
K Dou, E Lordan, Y Zhang, A Jacot, Z Fan
Journal of Materials Processing Technology 296, 117193, 2021
Thermodynamic assessment of the Cu–Ge binary system
J Wang, S Jin, C Leinenbach, A Jacot
Journal of alloys and compounds 504 (1), 159-165, 2010
Spinodal decomposition mechanism of γ′ precipitation in a single crystal Ni-based superalloy
XP Tan, D Mangelinck, C Perrin-Pellegrino, L Rougier, CA Gandin, ...
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45, 4725-4730, 2014
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Articles 1–20