Cynthia Bluteau
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Estimating turbulent kinetic energy dissipation using the inertial subrange method in environmental flows
CE Bluteau, NL Jones, GN Ivey
Limnology and Oceanography: Methods 9 (7), 302-321, 2011
Turbulent mixing efficiency at an energetic ocean site
CE Bluteau, NL Jones, GN Ivey
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 118 (9), 4662-4672, 2013
Quantifying diapycnal mixing in an energetic ocean
GN Ivey, CE Bluteau, NL Jones
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 123 (1), 346-357, 2018
Determining mixing rates from concurrent temperature and velocity measurements
CE Bluteau, RG Lueck, GN Ivey, NL Jones, JW Book, AE Rice
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 34 (10), 2283-2293, 2017
Estimating turbulent dissipation from microstructure shear measurements using maximum likelihood spectral fitting over the inertial and viscous subranges
CE Bluteau, NL Jones, GN Ivey
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33 (4), 713-722, 2016
Nutrient fluxes into an isolated coral reef atoll by tidally driven internal bores
RH Green, NL Jones, MD Rayson, RJ Lowe, CE Bluteau, GN Ivey
Limnology and Oceanography 64 (2), 461-473, 2019
Dynamics of a tidally‐forced stratified shear flow on the continental slope
CE Bluteau, NL Jones, GN Ivey
Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 116 (C11), 2011
The effects of salt exclusion during ice formation on circulation in lakes
CE Bluteau, R Pieters, GA Lawrence
Environmental Fluid Mechanics 17, 579-590, 2017
Observations of diurnal coastal-trapped waves with a thermocline-intensified velocity field
TL Schlosser, NL Jones, RC Musgrave, CE Bluteau, GN Ivey, AJ Lucas
Journal of Physical Oceanography 49 (7), 1973-1994, 2019
Acquiring long-term turbulence measurements from moored platforms impacted by motion
CE Bluteau, NL Jones, GN Ivey
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 33 (11), 2535-2551, 2016
Roles of shear and convection in driving mixing in the ocean
GN Ivey, CE Bluteau, B Gayen, NL Jones, T Sohail
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (3), e2020GL089455, 2021
Generation and propagation of near-inertial waves in a baroclinic current on the Tasmanian shelf
TL Schlosser, NL Jones, CE Bluteau, MH Alford, GN Ivey, AJ Lucas
Journal of Physical Oceanography 49 (10), 2653-2667, 2019
Winter observations alter the seasonal perspectives of the nutrient transport pathways into the lower St. Lawrence estuary
CE Bluteau, PS Galbraith, D Bourgault, V Villeneuve, JÉ Tremblay
Ocean Science 17 (5), 1509-1525, 2021
Assessing the relationship between bed shear stress estimates and observations of sediment resuspension in the ocean
C Bluteau, SL Smith, G Ivey, T Schlosser, N Jones
20th Australasian fluid mechanics conference, 1-4, 2016
Determining near‐bottom fluxes of passive tracers in aquatic environments
CE Bluteau, GN Ivey, D Donis, DF McGinnis
Geophysical Research Letters 45 (6), 2716-2725, 2018
Best practices recommendations for estimating dissipation rates from shear probes
R Lueck, I Fer, C Bluteau, M Dengler, P Holtermann, R Inoue, A LeBoyer, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 11, 1334327, 2024
Propagation of internal tides on the Northwest Australian Shelf studied with time-augmented empirical orthogonal functions
JW Book, NL Jones, RJ Lowe, GN Ivey, CR Steinberg, RM Brinkman, ...
Proceedings of the 20th Australasian Fluid Mechanics Conference, Perth …, 2016
Best practices recommendations for estimating dissipation rates from shear probes, Frontiers in Marine Science, 11
R Lueck, I Fer, CE Bluteau, M Dengler, RI HP, A LeBoyer, SA Nicholson, ...
Under‐ice salinity transport in low‐salinity waterbodies
J Olsthoorn, CE Bluteau, GA Lawrence
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (2), 247-259, 2020
Turbulent diapycnal fluxes as a pilot Essential Ocean Variable
A Le Boyer, N Couto, MH Alford, HF Drake, CE Bluteau, K Hughes, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1241023, 2023
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