Christopher M. King
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Cited by
Telepsychological services with criminal justice and substance abuse clients: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
AB Batastini, CM King, RD Morgan, B McDaniel
Psychological Services 13 (1), 20, 2016
Community-based alternatives for justice-involved individuals with severe mental illness: Review of the relevant research
K Heilbrun, D DeMatteo, K Yasuhara, S Brooks-Holliday, S Shah, C King, ...
Criminal justice and behavior 39 (4), 351-419, 2012
Legal admissibility of the Rorschach and R-PAS: A review of research, practice, and case law
DJ Viglione, C de Ruiter, CM King, GJ Meyer, AJ Kivisto, BA Rubin, ...
Journal of Personality Assessment 104 (2), 137-161, 2022
State of the states: A survey of statutory law, regulations and court rules pertaining to guilty pleas across the United States
TM Zottoli, T Daftary‐Kapur, VA Edkins, AD Redlich, CM King, LE Dervan, ...
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 37 (4), 388-434, 2019
School-based bullying and teen dating violence prevention laws: overlapping or distinct?
M Cascardi, CM King, D Rector, J DelPozzo
Journal of interpersonal violence 33 (21), 3267-3297, 2018
Cultivating student leadership in professional psychology.
L Kois, C King, C LaDuke, A Cook
Training and Education in Professional Psychology 10 (1), 29, 2016
Evaluating juvenile transfer and disposition: Law, science, and practice
K Heilbrun, D DeMatteo, C King, S Filone
Routledge, 2017
Offenders’ perceptions of riskfactors for self and others: Theoretical importance and some empirical data
S Brooks Holliday, C King, K Heilbrun
Criminal justice and behavior 40 (9), 1044-1061, 2013
Intercept 4: Reentry from jails and prisons
F Osher, C King
The sequential intercept model and criminal justice: Promoting community …, 2015
Technology for assessment and treatment of justice-involved youth: A systematic literature review.
L Grove, CM King, R Bomysoad, L Vasquez, LE Kois
Law and human behavior 45 (5), 413, 2021
Criminal justice involvement among veterans
DM Blonigen, CM King, C Timko
Intersections between mental health and law among veterans, 13-43, 2019
Disputed paraphilia diagnoses and legal decision making: A case law survey of paraphilia NOS, nonconsent.
CM King, LE Wylie, EM Brank, K Heilbrun
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 20 (3), 294, 2014
Tablet computers and forensic and correctional psychological assessment: A randomized controlled study.
CM King, K Heilbrun, NY Kim, K McWilliams, S Phillips, J Barbera, R Fretz
Law and Human Behavior 41 (5), 468, 2017
The emerging standard of competence in immigration removal proceedings: A review for forensic mental health professionals.
S Filone, CM King
Psychology, Public Policy, and Law 21 (1), 60, 2015
Using Third-Party Information in Forensic Mental-Health Assessment
K Heilbrun, A NeMoyer, C King, M Galloway
Ct. Rev. 51, 16, 2015
Clarifying sound and suspect use of the Rorschach in forensic mental health evaluations: A response to Areh et al.(2022)
C de Ruiter, L Giromini, GJ Meyer, CM King, BA Rubin
Psychological Injury and Law 16 (2), 158-176, 2023
Risk-need assessment: Bridging disciplinary and regional boundaries
K Heilbrun, D Dematteo, S Brooks, K Yasuhara, S Shah, N Anumba, ...
Crim. Behav. & Mental Health 21, 1, 2011
The psycholegal factors for juvenile transfer and reverse transfer evaluations
CM King
Behavioral Sciences & the Law 36 (1), 46-64, 2018
Evaluation of violence risk in adults.
K Heilbrun, S Brooks Holliday, C King
Oxford University Press, 2013
Effects of criminogenic risk–needs assessment feedback during prerelease correctional rehabilitation
CM King, K Heilbrun
Criminal justice and behavior 48 (5), 575-595, 2021
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Articles 1–20