Measurement of aqueous diffusivities for perfluoroalkyl acids CE Schaefer, DM Drennan, DN Tran, R Garcia, E Christie, CP Higgins, ... Journal of Environmental Engineering 145 (11), 06019006, 2019 | 56 | 2019 |
Occurrence of quantifiable and semi-quantifiable poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances in united states wastewater treatment plants CE Schaefer, JL Hooper, LE Strom, I Abusallout, ERV Dickenson, ... Water Research 233, 119724, 2023 | 41 | 2023 |
Release of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances from finished biosolids in soil mesocosms CE Schaefer, J Hooper, M Modiri-Gharehveran, DM Drennan, N Beecher, ... Water Research 217, 118405, 2022 | 41 | 2022 |
Organoheterotrophic bacterial abundance associates with zinc removal in lignocellulose-based sulfate-reducing systems DM Drennan, R Almstrand, I Lee, L Landkamer, L Figueroa, JO Sharp Environmental science & technology 50 (1), 378-387, 2016 | 41 | 2016 |
Spatial impacts of inorganic ligand availability and localized microbial community structure on mitigation of zinc laden mine water in sulfate-reducing bioreactors DM Drennan, R Almstrand, J Ladderud, I Lee, L Landkamer, L Figueroa, ... Water Research 115, 50-59, 2017 | 22 | 2017 |
Diffusion of perfluoroalkyl acids through clay-rich soil CE Schaefer, D Drennan, A Nickerson, A Maizel, CP Higgins Journal of contaminant hydrology 241, 103814, 2021 | 20 | 2021 |
Electrochemical treatment for greywater reuse: effects of cell configuration on COD reduction and disinfection byproduct formation and removal DM Drennan, RE Koshy, DB Gent, CE Schaefer Water Supply 19 (3), 891-898, 2019 | 17 | 2019 |
Polygold‐FISH for signal amplification of metallo‐labeled microbial cells R Almstrand, DM Drennan, JO Sharp Journal of Basic Microbiology 55 (6), 798-802, 2015 | 7 | 2015 |
Pilot-scale columns equipped with aqueous and solid-phase sampling ports enable geochemical and molecular microbial investigations of anoxic biological processes DM Drennan, R Almstrand, I Lee, L Landkamer, L Figueroa, JO Sharp Bio-protocol 7 (1), e2083-e2083, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
Fate and transport of petroleum hydrocarbons in the subsurface near Cass Lake, Minnesota DM Drennan, BA Bekins, E Warren, IM Cozzarelli, MJ Baedecker, ... Scientific Investigations Report, 2010 | 3 | 2010 |
Sulfate reducing bioreactor longevity estimates based on substrate characterization and initial carbon release L Figueroa, L Landkamer, D Drennan, J Sharp, I Lee IMWA 2016 Proceedings, 952-956, 2016 | 2 | 2016 |
Substrate and biogeochemical design considerations for sulfate reducing bioreactors L Landkamer, I Lee, D Drennan, JO Sharp, LA Figueroa Reliable Mine Water Technology. Presented at the International Mine Water …, 2013 | 2 | 2013 |
Biogeochemistry of a Field-Scale Sulfate Reducing Bioreactor Treating Mining Influenced Water D Drennan, I Lee, L Landkamer, LA Figueroa, S Webb, JO Sharp AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2012, B11A-0394, 2012 | 1 | 2012 |
Diffusion of perfluoroalkyl acids through clay-rich soil (vol 241, 103814, 2021) CE Schaefer, D Drennan, A Nickerson, A Maizel, CP Higgins JOURNAL OF CONTAMINANT HYDROLOGY 243, 2021 | | 2021 |
Diffusion of perfluoroalkyl acids through clay-rich soil. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 241, p. 103814. CE Schaefer, D Drennan, A Nickerson, A Maizel, CP Higgins Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 243, 103882, 2021 | | 2021 |
Peeling away “black box” processes in lignocellulose-based sulfate reducing bioreactors designed to remediate mining impacted water JJ Sharp, D Drennan, R Almstrand, L Landkamer, L Figueroa, J Ladderud, ... 2017 SIMB Annual Meeting and Exhibition, 2017 | | 2017 |
Biogeochemical investigations of mine water attenuation in lignocellulose-based sulfate reducing bioreactors J Sharp, D Drennan, R Almstrand, L Lee, L Figueroa, I Lee, J Ladderud, ... ABSTRACTS OF PAPERS OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 253, 2017 | | 2017 |
Biogeochemistry of Sulfate Reducing Bioreactors: How Design Parameters Influence Microbial Consortia and Metal Precipitation DM Drennan Colorado School of Mines, 2016 | | 2016 |
Hydrologic Controls on Losses of Individual Components of Crude Oil in the Subsurface BA Bekins, MJ Baedecker, RP Eganhouse, DM Drennan, WN Herkelrath, ... AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H33K-07, 2013 | | 2013 |
Linking Microbial Ecology to Geochemistry in Sulfate Reducing Systems DM Drennan, I Lee, L Landkamer, R Almstrand, LA Figueroa, JH Sharp AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2013, H13C-1343, 2013 | | 2013 |