Borui Cai
Cited by
Cited by
A review on automatic facial expression recognition systems assisted by multimodal sensor data
N Samadiani, G Huang, B Cai, W Luo, CH Chi, Y Xiang, J He
Sensors 19 (8), 1863, 2019
Temporal knowledge graph completion: A survey
B Cai, Y Xiang, L Gao, H Zhang, Y Li, J Li
Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on …, 2023
Discovering topic representative terms for short text clustering
S Yang, G Huang, B Cai
IEEE Access 7, 92037-92047, 2019
Variational co-embedding learning for attributed network clustering
S Yang, S Verma, B Cai, J Jiang, K Yu, F Chen, S Yu
Knowledge-Based Systems 270, 110530, 2023
Robust cross-network node classification via constrained graph mutual information
S Yang, B Cai, T Cai, X Song, J Jiang, B Li, J Li
Knowledge-Based Systems 257, 109852, 2022
A covert electricity-theft cyberattack against machine learning-based detection models
L Cui, L Guo, L Gao, B Cai, Y Qu, Y Zhou, S Yu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 18 (11), 7824-7833, 2021
Efficient time series clustering by minimizing dynamic time warping utilization
B Cai, G Huang, N Samadiani, G Li, CH Chi
IEEE access 9, 46589-46599, 2021
Hybrid variational autoencoder for time series forecasting
B Cai, S Yang, L Gao, Y Xiang
Knowledge-Based Systems 281, 111079, 2023
Coss: Leveraging statement semantics for code summarization
C Shi, B Cai, Y Zhao, L Gao, K Sood, Y Xiang
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 49 (6), 3472-3486, 2023
Clustering of multiple density peaks
B Cai, G Huang, Y Xiang, J He, GL Huang, K Deng, X Zhou
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 22nd Pacific-Asia …, 2018
ARFL: Adaptive and robust federated learning
MP Uddin, Y Xiang, B Cai, X Lu, J Yearwood, L Gao
IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 23 (5), 5401-5417, 2023
Multi-scale shapelets discovery for time-series classification
B Cai, G Huang, Y Xiang, M Angelova, L Guo, CH Chi
International Journal of Information Technology & Decision Making 19 (03 …, 2020
Se-shapelets: Semi-supervised clustering of time series using representative shapelets
B Cai, G Huang, S Yang, Y Xiang, CH Chi
Expert Systems with Applications 240, 122584, 2024
New achievements on daily reference evapotranspiration forecasting: potential assessment of multivariate signal decomposition schemes
M Ali, M Jamei, R Prasad, M Karbasi, Y Xiang, B Cai, S Abdulla, ...
Ecological Indicators 155, 111030, 2023
Overview of nlpcc2022 shared task 5 track 1: Multi-label classification for scientific literature
M Liu, H Zhang, Y Tian, T Zong, B Cai, R Xu, Y Li
CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese …, 2022
Overview of nlpcc2022 shared task 5 track 2: Named entity recognition
B Cai, H Zhang, F Liu, M Liu, T Zong, Z Chen, Y Li
CCF International Conference on Natural Language Processing and Chinese …, 2022
Clustering hashtags using temporal patterns
B Cai, G Huang, S Yang, Y Xiang, CH Chi
Web Information Systems Engineering–WISE 2020: 21st International Conference …, 2020
Emerging Scientific Topic Discovery by Analyzing Reliable Patterns of Infrequent Synonymous Biterms
J Wu, G Huang, H Zheng, GL Huang, B Cai, CH Chi, J He
IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence 8 (1 …, 2023
Flexible shapelets discovery for time series classification
B Cai, G Huang, MA Turkedjieva, Y Xiang, CH Chi
Data Science: 6th International Conference, ICDS 2019, Ningbo, China, May 15 …, 2020
An accurate negative survey using answer confidence level
B Cai, G Huang, CH Chi, R Liu, Y Shu
IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 18 (4), 1882-1892, 2019
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Articles 1–20