Mijia Yang
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Cited by
Convergence, adaptive refinement, and scaling in 1D peridynamics
F Bobaru, M Yang, LF Alves, SA Silling, E Askari, J Xu
International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 77 (6), 852-877, 2009
Bond mechanism and bond strength of GFRP bars to concrete: A review
F Yan, Z Lin, M Yang
Composites Part B: Engineering 98, 56-69, 2016
Use of bacterial cell walls to improve the mechanical performance of concrete
R Pei, J Liu, S Wang, M Yang
Cement and Concrete Composites 39, 122-130, 2013
Impact mechanics and high-energy absorbing materials
P Qiao, M Yang, F Bobaru
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 21 (4), 235-248, 2008
杨米加, 陈明雄, 贺永年
岩石力学与工程学报 20 (6), 839-841, 2001
Bond strength of PCC pavement repairs using metakaolin-based geopolymer mortar
H Alanazi, M Yang, D Zhang, ZJ Gao
Cement and Concrete Composites 65, 75-82, 2016
Higher-order impact modeling of sandwich structures with flexible core
M Yang, P Qiao
International Journal of Solids and Structures 42 (20), 5460-5490, 2005
Impact analysis of fiber reinforced polymer honeycomb composite sandwich beams
P Qiao, M Yang
Composites Part B: Engineering 38 (5-6), 739-750, 2007
Prediction of grout penetration in fractured rocks by numerical simulation
MJ Yang, ZQ Yue, PKK Lee, B Su, LG Tham
Canadian geotechnical journal 39 (6), 1384-1394, 2002
Early strength and durability of metakaolin-based geopolymer concrete
H Alanazi, M Yang, D Zhang, Z Gao
Magazine of Concrete Research 69 (1), 46-54, 2017
Effectiveness of chemical treatment on polypropylene fibers as reinforcement in pervious concrete
L Akand, M Yang, X Wang
Construction and Building Materials 163, 32-39, 2018
Modeling and experimental detection of damage in various materials using the pulse-echomethod and piezoelectric sensors/actuators
M Yang, P Qiao
Smart materials and structures 14 (6), 1083, 2005
Comparison of pore structure in alkali activated fly ash geopolymer and ordinary concrete due to alkali-silica reaction using micro-computed tomography
M Yang, SR Paudel, E Asa
Construction and Building Materials 236, 117524, 2020
Impact analysis of I-Lam sandwich system for over-height collision protection of highway bridges
P Qiao, M Yang, AS Mosallam
Engineering Structures 26 (7), 1003-1012, 2004
Topology optimization and 3D printing of three-branch joints in treelike structures
L Wang, W Du, P He, M Yang
Journal of Structural Engineering 146 (1), 04019167, 2020
Characterization of pervious concrete through image based micromechanical modeling
L Akand, M Yang, Z Gao
Construction and Building Materials 114, 547-555, 2016
Dynamic responses of prestressed bridge and vehicle through bridge–vehicle interaction analysis
H Zhong, M Yang, ZJ Gao
Engineering Structures 87, 116-125, 2015
Joints for treelike column structures based on generative design and additive manufacturing
H Wang, W Du, Y Zhao, Y Wang, R Hao, M Yang
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 184, 106794, 2021
Impact location and load identification through inverse analysis with bounded uncertain measurements
S Ahmari, M Yang
Smart Materials and Structures 22 (8), 085024, 2013
Damage detection for plate-like structures using generalized curvature mode shape method
H Zhong, M Yang
Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring 6, 141-152, 2016
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Articles 1–20