Rebecca M Harvey
Cited by
Cited by
Bouncier particles at night: biogenic secondary organic aerosol chemistry and sulfate drive diel variations in the aerosol phase in a mixed forest
JH Slade, AP Ault, AT Bui, JC Ditto, Z Lei, AL Bondy, NE Olson, RD Cook, ...
Environmental Science & Technology 53 (9), 4977-4987, 2019
The Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX): A test-bed for developing urban greenhouse gas emission measurements
KJ Davis, A Deng, T Lauvaux, NL Miles, SJ Richardson, DP Sarmiento, ...
Elem Sci Anth 5, 21, 2017
Synthesis of Urban CO2 Emission Estimates from Multiple Methods from the Indianapolis Flux Project (INFLUX)
JC Turnbull, A Karion, KJ Davis, T Lauvaux, NL Miles, SJ Richardson, ...
Environmental science & technology 53 (1), 287-295, 2018
Assessing the optimized precision of the aircraft mass balance method for measurement of urban greenhouse gas emission rates through averaging
AMF Heimburger, RM Harvey, PB Shepson, BH Stirm, C Gore, J Turnbull, ...
Elem Sci Anth 5, 26, 2017
Effect of bioirrigation on sediment− water exchange of methylmercury in Boston Harbor, Massachusetts
JM Benoit, DH Shull, RM Harvey, SA Beal
Environmental science & technology 43 (10), 3669-3674, 2009
Establishing the contribution of lawn mowing to atmospheric aerosol levels in American suburbs
RM Harvey, J Zahardis, GA Petrucci
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 14 (2), 797-812, 2014
Optical Properties of Secondary Organic Aerosol from cis-3-Hexenol and cis-3-Hexenyl Acetate: Effect of Chemical Composition, Humidity, and Phase
RM Harvey, AP Bateman, S Jain, YJ Li, S Martin, GA Petrucci
Environmental Science & Technology 50 (10), 4997-5006, 2016
Regulation of translation of eukaryotic virus mRNAs
L Carrasco, R Harvey, C Blanchard, AE Smith
Modern Trends in Human Leukemia III: Newest Results in Clinical and …, 1979
Ozonolysis chemistry and phase behavior of 1-octen-3-Ol-derived secondary organic aerosol
KB Fischer, CS Gold, RM Harvey, AN Petrucci, GA Petrucci
ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 4 (8), 1298-1308, 2020
Control of ozonolysis kinetics and aerosol yield by nuances in the molecular structure of volatile organic compounds
RM Harvey, GA Petrucci
Atmospheric Environment 122, 188-195, 2015
Small-scale Magnetic Flux Rope Structures across the Earth's Bow Shock
R Harvey, Q Hu, Y Chen
Authorea Preprints, 2025
Observational Analysis of Small-scale Structures across the Earth's Bow Shock
R Harvey, Q Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2023, SH22A-01, 2023
Observational Analysis of Small-scale Structures in the Earth's Magnetosheath
R Harvey, Q Hu
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU-9082, 2023
Observational Analysis of Small-scale Structures in the Earth's Magnetosheath
R Harvey, Q Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, SH35G-05, 2021
Small-scale Structures in near-Earth Space Plasmas: Observational Analysis Across Boundaries
R Harvey, Q Hu
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, SM059-11, 2020
Inter-annual variability and trend detection of urban CO2, CH4 and CO emissions
T Lauvaux, A Deng, KR Gurney, B Nathan, X Ye, T Oda, A Karion, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2017, A14G-07, 2017
Beth N. Orcutt, Laura L. Lapham, Jennifer Delaney, Neha Sarode, Kathleen S. Marshall, Kelly J. Whaley-Martin, Greg Slater, C. Geoff Wheat, Peter R. Girguis
GM Hidy, CL Blanchard, A Laurent, K Fennel, DR Turner, IM Hassellöv, ...
Policy, 2017
A Collaborative Study of Source Apportionment and Total City Emissions of CH4 from Indianapolis
KD Hajny, KJ Davis, JE Franklin, RM Harvey, TN Lavoie, NL Miles, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, A21C-0063, 2016
The Influence of Monoterpene and Isoprene Nitrates on the Chemistry and Phase State of Secondary Organic Aerosol in a Low-NOx Mixed Deciduous/Coniferous …
JH Slade Jr, PB Shepson, SJ Desrochers, RM Harvey, W Wallace, A Bui, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, A41M-04, 2016
Seasonality of the Fossil and Biogenic Components of CO2 Emissions During INFLUX
RM Harvey, KJ Davis, AMF Heimburger, A Karion, T Lauvaux, K McKain, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2016, A51K-0241, 2016
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Articles 1–20