Marvin Overby
Marvin Overby
Penn State Harrisburg
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Unintended consequences? Racial redistricting and the representation of minority interests
LM Overby, KM Cosgrove
The Journal of Politics 58 (2), 540-550, 1996
Community context, personal contact, and support for an anti—gay rights referendum
J Barth, LM Overby, SH Huffmon
Political Research Quarterly 62 (2), 355-365, 2009
Courting constituents? An analysis of the Senate confirmation vote on Justice Clarence Thomas
LM Overby, BM Henschen, MH Walsh, J Strauss
American Political Science Review 86 (4), 997-1003, 1992
Contact, community context, and public attitudes toward gay men and lesbians
LM Overby, J Barth
Polity 34 (4), 433-456, 2002
Outlying committees in the statehouse: An examination of the prevalence of committee outliers in state legislatures
LM Overby, TA Kazee
The Journal of Politics 62 (3), 701-728, 2000
Committee outliers in state legislatures
LM Overby, TA Kazee, DW Prince
Legislative Studies Quarterly 29 (1), 81-107, 2004
Race, Political Empowerment, and Minority Perceptions of Judicial Fairness*
LM Overby, RD Brown, JM Bruce, CE Smith, Jr, JW Winkle, III
Social science quarterly 86 (2), 444-462, 2005
Party balancing and voting for Congress in the 1996 national election
CE Smith Jr, RD Brown, JM Bruce, LM Overby
American Journal of Political Science, 737-764, 1999
Are gay men and lesbians in the South the new “threat”?: Regional comparisons of the contact theory
J Barth, LM Overby
Politics & Policy 31 (3), 452-470, 2003
Legislative organization theory and committee preference outliers in state senates
DW Prince, LM Overby
State Politics & Policy Quarterly 5 (1), 68-87, 2005
Assessing constituency influence: Congressional voting on the nuclear freeze, 1982-83
LM Overby
Legislative Studies Quarterly, 297-312, 1991
Radio advertising in American political campaigns: The persistence, importance, and effects of narrowcasting
LM Overby, J Barth
American Politics Research 34 (4), 451-478, 2006
Party and free votes in Canada: Abortion in the House of Commons
LM Overby, R Tatalovich, DT Studlar
Party Politics 4 (3), 381-392, 1998
“Pretty prudent” or rhetorically responsive? The American public’s support for military action
A Cooper Drury, L Marvin Overby, A Ang, Y Li
Political research quarterly 63 (1), 83-96, 2010
Justice in black and white: Race, perceptions of fairness, and diffuse support for the judicial system in a southern state
LM Overby, RD Brown, JM Bruce, CE Smith Jr, JW Winkle III
Justice System Journal 25 (2), 159-182, 2004
Etiology and attitudes: Beliefs about the origins of homosexuality and their implications for public policy
LM Overby
Journal of Homosexuality 61 (4), 568-587, 2014
Free votes, MPs, and constituents: The case of same-sex marriage in Canada
LM Overby, C Raymond, Z Taydas
American Review of Canadian Studies 41 (4), 465-478, 2011
Rational behavior or the norm of cooperation? Filibustering among retiring senators
LM Overby, LC Bell
The Journal of Politics 66 (3), 906-924, 2004
White support for racial referenda in the Deep South
BDA Orey, LM Overby, PK Hatemi, B Liu
Politics & Policy 39 (4), 539-558, 2011
What’s in a (Party) name? Examining preferences, discipline, and social identity in a parliamentary free vote
CD Raymond, LM Overby
Party Politics 22 (3), 313-324, 2016
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