Articles with public access mandates - Ana LudkeLearn more
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The rejuvenation of aged stem cells for cardiac repair
A Ludke, RK Li, RD Weisel
Canadian Journal of Cardiology 30 (11), 1299-1306, 2014
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Abstracts of the Plenary and Symposia Talks; and Poster Presentations
M Abdellatif, D Sayed, D Baetz, J Gordon, H Gang, L Kirshenbaum, ...
Experimental and Clinical Cardiology 16 (Suppl A), 1A-34A, 2011
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
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Trastuzumab-induced cardiac dysfunction: a ‘dual-hit’
M Zeglinski, A Ludke, DS Jassal, PK Singal
Experimental & clinical cardiology 16 (3), 70, 2011
Mandates: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
A concise description of cardioprotective strategies in doxorubicin-induced cardiotoxicity
AR Lehenbauer Ludke, AARS Al-Shudiefat, S Dhingra, DS Jassal, ...
Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology 87 (10), 756-763, 2009
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Akt regulates IL-10 mediated suppression of TNFα-induced cardiomyocyte apoptosis by upregulating Stat3 phosphorylation
S Dhingra, AK Bagchi, AL Ludke, AK Sharma, PK Singal
PLoS One 6 (9), e25009, 2011
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Time course of changes in oxidative stress and stress-induced proteins in cardiomyocytes exposed to doxorubicin and prevention by vitamin C
A Ludke, G Akolkar, P Ayyappan, AK Sharma, PK Singal
PLoS One 12 (7), e0179452, 2017
Mandates: Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Mast cells promote proliferation and migration and inhibit differentiation of mesenchymal stem cells through PDGF
M Nazari, NC Ni, A Lüdke, SH Li, J Guo, RD Weisel, RK Li
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 94, 32-42, 2016
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation of …
Class II transactivator knockdown limits major histocompatibility complex II expression, diminishes immune rejection, and improves survival of allogeneic bone marrow stem cells …
XP Huang, A Ludke, S Dhingra, J Guo, Z Sun, L Zhang, RD Weisel, RK Li
The FASEB Journal 30 (9), 3069-3082, 2016
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation of …
Downregulation of vitamin C transporter SVCT-2 in doxorubicin-induced cardiomyocyte injury
AR Ludke, AK Sharma, G Akolkar, G Bajpai, PK Singal
American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology 303 (6), C645-C653, 2012
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Interleukin-10 activates Toll-like receptor 4 and requires MyD88 for cardiomyocyte survival
AK Bagchi, A Sharma, S Dhingra, ARL Ludke, AAR Al-Shudiefat, ...
Cytokine 61 (1), 304-314, 2013
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Expression of CNPY2 in mouse tissues: quantification and localization
K Hatta, J Guo, A Ludke, S Dhingra, K Singh, ML Huang, RD Weisel, ...
PLoS One 9 (11), e111370, 2014
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
Uterine-derived progenitor cells are immunoprivileged and effectively improve cardiac regeneration when used for cell therapy
A Ludke, J Wu, M Nazari, K Hatta, Z Shao, SH Li, H Song, NC Ni, ...
Journal of molecular and cellular cardiology 84, 116-128, 2015
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Olive oil protects against progression of heart failure by inhibiting remodeling of heart subsequent to myocardial infarction in rats
AAR Al‐Shudiefat, A Ludke, A Malik, DS Jassal, AK Bagchi, PK Singal
Physiological Reports 10 (15), e15379, 2022
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research, Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada
Uterus: a unique stem cell reservoir able to support cardiac repair via crosstalk among uterus, heart, and bone marrow
A Ludke, K Hatta, A Yao, RK Li
Cells 11 (14), 2182, 2022
Mandates: Canadian Institutes of Health Research
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