James Alleman
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Cited by
Thermophilic aerobic biological wastewater treatment
TM LaPara, JE Alleman
Water Research 33 (4), 895-908, 1999
Phylogenetic analysis of bacterial communities in mesophilic and thermophilic bioreactors treating pharmaceutical wastewater
TM LaPara, CH Nakatsu, L Pantea, JE Alleman
Applied and environmental microbiology 66 (9), 3951-3959, 2000
Elevated nitrite occurrence in biological wastewater treatment systems
JE Alleman
Water science and technology 17 (2-3), 409-419, 1985
Stability of the bacterial communities supported by a seven-stage biological process treating pharmaceutical wastewater as revealed by PCR-DGGE
TM LaPara, CH Nakatsu, LM Pantea, JE Alleman
Water Research 36 (3), 638-646, 2002
Investigation of batchwise nitrite build-up by an enriched nitrification culture
L Yang, JE Alleman
Water science and technology 26 (5-6), 997-1005, 1992
Constructive sludge management: biobrick
JE Alleman, NA Berman
Journal of Environmental Engineering 110 (2), 301-311, 1984
Aerobic biological treatment of a pharmaceutical wastewater:: effect of temperature on COD removal and bacterial community development
TM LaPara, CH Nakatsu, LM Pantea, JE Alleman
Water Research 35 (18), 4417-4425, 2001
Environmental biology for engineers and scientists
DA Vaccari, PF Strom, JE Alleman
John Wiley & Sons, 2005
Asbestos revisited
JE Alleman, BT Mossman
Scientific American 277 (1), 70-75, 1997
Sand and silty-sand soil stabilization using bacterial enzyme–induced calcite precipitation (BEICP)
T Hoang, J Alleman, B Cetin, K Ikuma, SG Choi
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 56 (6), 808-822, 2019
Storage-induced denitrification using sequencing batch reactor operation
JE Alleman, RL Irvine
Water Research 14 (10), 1483-1488, 1980
Effects of wastewater disinfection on waterborne bacteria and viruses
ER Blatchley III, WL Gong, JE Alleman, JB Rose, DE Huffman, M Otaki, ...
Water environment research 79 (1), 81-92, 2007
Engineering properties of biocementation coarse-and fine-grained sand catalyzed by bacterial cells and bacterial enzyme
T Hoang, J Alleman, B Cetin, SG Choi
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (4), 04020030, 2020
Effects of disinfectants on wastewater effluent toxicity
ER Blatchley III, BA Hunt, R Duggirala, JE Thompson, J Zhao, T Halaby, ...
Water Research 31 (7), 1581-1588, 1997
Reflections on seven decades of activated sludge history
JE Alleman, TBS Prakasam
Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 436-443, 1983
Impacts of reduced sulfur components on active and resting ammonia oxidizers
K Sears, JE Alleman, JL Barnard, JA Oleszkiewicz
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 31 (8), 369-378, 2004
Scanning electron microscope evaluation of rotating biological contactor biofilm
JE Alleman, JA Veil, JT Canaday
Water research 16 (5), 543-550, 1982
Nitrification in the sequenching batch biological reactor
JE Alleman, RL Irvine
Journal (Water Pollution Control Federation), 2747-2754, 1980
Effects of elevated temperature on bacterial community structure and function in bioreactors treating a synthetic wastewater
TM LaPara, A Konopka, CH Nakatsu, JE Alleman
Journal of Industrial Microbiology and Biotechnology 24 (2), 140-145, 2000
Effects of modern concrete materials on thermal conductivity
Y Sargam, K Wang, JE Alleman
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 32 (4), 04020058, 2020
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Articles 1–20