John Erhardt
John Erhardt
Fish and Wildlife Biologist, US Fish and Wildlife Service
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Prey availability, consumption, and quality contribute to variation in growth of subyearling Chinook salmon rearing in riverine and reservoir habitats
KF Tiffan, JM Erhardt, SJ St. John
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 143 (1), 219-229, 2014
Juvenile Chinook salmon mortality in a Snake River reservoir: smallmouth bass predation revisited
JM Erhardt, KF Tiffan, WP Connor
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 147 (2), 316-328, 2018
Precision and accuracy of age and growth estimates based on fin rays, scales, and mark-recapture information for migratory Bull Trout
JM Erhardt, DL Scarnecchia
Northwest Science 87 (4), 307-316, 2013
Ecology of nonnative Siberian prawn (Palaemon modestus) in the lower Snake River, Washington, USA
JM Erhardt, KF Tiffan
Aquatic Ecology 50, 607-621, 2016
Population changes after 14 years of harvest closure on a migratory population of Bull Trout in Idaho
JM Erhardt, DL Scarnecchia
North American Journal of Fisheries Management 34 (3), 482-492, 2014
Impact of smallmouth bass predation on subyearling fall Chinook salmon over a broad river continuum
KF Tiffan, JM Erhardt, RJ Hemingway, BK Bickford, TN Rhodes
Environmental Biology of Fishes 103, 1231-1246, 2020
Research, monitoring, and evaluation of emerging issues and measures to recover the Snake River fall Chinook salmon ESU
WP Connor, FL Mullins, KF Tiffan, RW Perry, JM Erhardt, SJ St John, ...
2014 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Project 199102900, 2015
Smallmouth bass predation on juvenile fall Chinook salmon in Lower Granite Reservoir on the Snake River
JM Erhardt, SJ St John, BK Bickford, TN Rhodes, KF Tiffan
2012 Annual Report to the Bonneville Power Administration, Project 200203200, 2014
Snake River Basin 2018-2019: Steelhead Run Reconstruction
EJ Stark, PJ Cleary, JM Erhardt, T Miller, JW Feldhaus
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, 2021
Post‐release predation mortality of age‐0 hatchery‐reared Chinook salmon from non‐native smallmouth bass in the Snake River
JM Erhardt, KF Tiffan
Fisheries Management and Ecology 25 (6), 474-487, 2018
Ecology of the opossum shrimp (Neomysis mercedis) in a lower Snake River reservoir, Washington
KF Tiffan, JM Erhardt, BK Bickford
Northwest Science 91 (2), 124-139, 2017
Ecology of the Sand Roller (Percopsis transmontana) in a lower Snake River reservoir, Washington
KF Tiffan, JM Erhardt, TN Rhodes, RJ Hemingway
Northwestern Naturalist 98 (3), 203-214, 2017
Fall Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), sand roller (Percopsis transmontana), and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) interactions in a Snake River reservoir: a tale …
RJ Hemingway, KF Tiffan, JM Erhardt, TN Rhodes, BK Bickford
Northwestern Naturalist 100 (1), 26-36, 2019
Research, monitoring, and evaluation of emerging issues and measures to recover the Snake River fall Chinook Salmon ESU
K Tiffan, R Perry, J Plumb, D Hance, B Bickford, T Rhodes
US Geological Survey, Western Fisheries Research Center, Cook, Washington …, 2020
Snake River fall Chinook salmon life history investigations
JM Erhardt, BK Bickford, RJ Hemingway, TN Rhodes, KF Tiffan
USGS Report, 19, 2017
Growth model selection and its application for characterizing life history of a migratory bull trout (Salvelinus confluentus) population
JM Erhardt, DL Scarnecchia
Northwest Science 90 (3), 328-339, 2016
Distribution and abundance of potential invertebrate prey for juvenile fall Chinook salmon in the Snake River
SJ St John, JM Erhardt, BK Bickford, TN Rhodes, KF Tiffan
Snake River fall chinook salmon life history investigations. Annual Report …, 2014
Age, Growth, and Stock Status of Migratory Bull Trout Salvelinus Confluentus in the North Fork Clearwater River, Idaho, After 14 Years of Harvest Production
JM Erhardt
University of Idaho, 2010
Bull Trout life history investigations in the North Fork Clearwater River Basin
J Hanson, E Schriever, J Erhardt
Idaho Department of Fish and Game, Report 06‐12, Boise, 2006
Dworshak National Fish Hatchery Spring Chinook Salmon Density Study Final Report
W Young, NP Tribe, D Nemeth, J Erhardt, M Campbell, C Steele
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Articles 1–20