Ali Khosravi
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Cited by
Impact of hydraulic hysteresis on the small-strain shear modulus of low plasticity soils
A Khosravi, JS McCartney
Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering 138 (11), 1326-1333, 2012
Hydro-mechanical behavior of undisturbed collapsible loessial soils under different stress state conditions
AA Garakani, SM Haeri, A Khosravi, G Habibagahi
Engineering Geology 195, 28-41, 2015
Effect of soil structure and disturbance on hydromechanical behavior of collapsible loessial soils
SM Haeri, A Khosravi, AA Garakani, S Ghazizadeh
International Journal of Geomechanics 17 (1), 04016021, 2017
Assessing the hydro-mechanical behavior of collapsible soils using a modified triaxial test device
SM Haeri, A Akbari Garakani, A Khosravi, CL Meehan
Geotechnical Testing Journal 37 (2), 190-204, 2014
Discrete element model (DEM) simulations of cone penetration test (CPT) measurements and soil classification
A Khosravi, A Martinez, JT DeJong
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 57 (9), 1369-1387, 2020
Impact of effective stress on the dynamic shear modulus of unsaturated sand
A Khosravi, M Ghayoomi, J McCartney, HY Ko
GeoFlorida 2010: Advances in Analysis, Modeling & Design, 410-419, 2010
Resonant column test for unsaturated soils with suction–saturation control
A Khosravi, JS McCartney
Geotechnical Testing Journal 34 (6), 730-739, 2011
Use of InSAR data for measuring land subsidence induced by groundwater withdrawal and climate change in Ardabil Plain, Iran
Z Ghorbani, A Khosravi, Y Maghsoudi, FF Mojtahedi, E Javadnia, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 13998, 2022
Impact of hydraulic hysteresis on the small strain shear modulus of unsaturated sand
A Khosravi, P Shahbazan, A Pak
Soils and Foundations 58 (2), 344-354, 2018
Remediation of liquefaction effects for an embankment using soil-cement walls: Centrifuge and numerical modeling
RW Boulanger, M Khosravi, A Khosravi, DW Wilson
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 114, 38-50, 2018
Field-monitoring system for suction and temperature profiles under pavements
JS McCartney, A Khosravi
Journal of performance of constructed facilities 27 (6), 818-825, 2013
Modeling the self-penetration process of a bio-inspired probe in granular soils
Y Chen, A Khosravi, A Martinez, J DeJong
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 16 (4), 046012, 2021
Evaluation of self-penetration potential of a bio-inspired site characterization probe by cavity expansion analysis
A Martinez, JT DeJong, RA Jaeger, A Khosravi
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 57 (5), 706-716, 2020
Impact of plastic compression on the small strain shear modulus of unsaturated silts
A Khosravi, M Rahimi, A Gheibi, M Mahdi Shahrabi
International Journal of Geomechanics 18 (2), 04017138, 2018
Impact of stress state on the dynamic shear moduli of unsaturated, compacted soils
A Khosravi, JS McCartney
4th Asia-Pacific conference on unsaturated soils, 23-25, 2009
Effect of hydraulic hysteresis and degree of saturation of infill materials on the behavior of an infilled rock fracture
A Khosravi, AD Serej, SM Mousavi, SM Haeri
International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences 88, 105-114, 2016
Seismic behavior of pile-supported systems in unsaturated sand
M Ghayoomi, S Ghadirianniari, A Khosravi, M Mirshekari
Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 112, 162-173, 2018
Characterization of the effect of disturbance on the hydro-mechanical behavior of a highly collapsible loessial soil
SM Haeri, A Khosravi, S Ghazizadeh, A Garakani, C Meehan
Proc., 6th Int. Conf. on Unsaturated Soils, Taylor & Francis Group, London, 2014
Suction-induced hardening effects on the shear modulus of unsaturated silt
A Khosravi, S Salam, JS McCartney, A Dadashi
International Journal of Geomechanics 16 (6), D4016007, 2016
Multistage triaxial testing to estimate effective stress relationships for unsaturated compacted soils
A Khosravi, N Alsherif, C Lynch, J McCartney
Geotechnical Testing Journal 35 (1), 128-134, 2012
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Articles 1–20