Bobby Harreveld
Cited by
Cited by
Supervisory feedback to postgraduate research students: a literature review
R Chugh, S Macht, B Harreveld
Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education 47 (5), 683-697, 2022
Constructing methodology for qualitative research: Researching education and social practices
B Harreveld, M Danaher, C Lawson, BA Knight, G Busch
Springer, 2016
Contextualising learning at the education-training-work interface
B Harreveld, M Singh
Education+ Training 51 (2), 92-107, 2009
New decade, same concerns: A systematic review of agricultural literacy of school students
A Cosby, J Manning, D Power, B Harreveld
Education sciences 12 (4), 235, 2022
Deschooling l'earning: Young adults and the new spirit of capitalism
M Singh, B Harreveld
Springer, 2014
The journey so far in the senior phase of learning
B Harreveld, M Singh
Brisbane: Queensland Department of Education, Training and the Arts, 2007
Hesitant hopes: How a comprehensive approach to learning impacts on the transition hopes of marginalised young people in an alternative learning programme in regional Australia
C Bloomfield, B Harreveld, R Fisher
British Educational Research Journal 46 (1), 75-91, 2020
A case for scholarly activity in vocational education in Australia
M Waters, L Simon, M Simons, J Davids, B Harreveld
Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning 5 (1), 14-31, 2015
The ETRF, Robust Hope and Teacher Education: Making practical reforms to the senior phase of learning
B Harreveld
Asia‐Pacific Journal of Teacher Education 35 (3), 273-289, 2007
A systematic review of the emergence and utilisation of agricultural technologies into the classroom
JK Manning, A Cosby, D Power, ES Fogarty, B Harreveld
Agriculture 12 (6), 818, 2022
Teachers' work in reading literacy across the curriculum in the senior phase of learning
B Harreveld, K Baker, L Isdale
The Curriculum Journal 19 (2), 105-118, 2008
Mobility and local/international knowledge co-production: Innovation in the post-monolingual learning of Chinese
M Singh, B Harreveld, T Gao, P Danaher
Mobile teachers, teacher identity and international schooling, 121-139, 2014
Opportunities and barriers perceived by secondary school agriculture teachers in implementing the GPS Cows learning module
A Cosby, M Trotter, J Manning, B Harreveld, J Roberts
International Journal of Innovation in Science and Mathematics Education 27 (4), 2019
Insights into attrition from university-based enabling programs
C Bookallil, B Harreveld
Australian Journal of Adult Learning 57 (1), 58-81, 2017
Field education as signature pedagogy-insights for Australian social work
S Ledger, W Hillman, B Harreveld, D de Warren
Advances in Social Work and Welfare Education 19 (1), 62-70, 2017
Reciprocal knowing for diabetes literacy among culturally and linguistically diverse individuals in Australia
T Ferdous, R Harreveld
CQUniversity, 2012
Conducting health literacy research with hard-to-reach regional culturally and linguistically diverse populations: evaluation study of recruitment and retention methods before …
G Perrins, T Ferdous, D Hay, B Harreveld, K Reid-Searl
JMIR formative research 5 (11), e26136, 2021
Industry perspectives of industry school partnerships: What can agriculture learn?
M O'Dea, A Cosby, J Manning, N McDonald, B Harreveld
Australian and International Journal of Rural Education 32 (3), 1-21, 2022
High school technology teacher’s perceptions of agriculture and careers: an Australian perspective
A Cosby, J Manning, E Fogarty, N McDonald, B Harreveld
The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension 30 (1), 91-112, 2024
Analysing teachers’ figurative language to shed new light on teacher resilience
KL Peel, N Kelly, PA Danaher, B Harreveld, D Mulligan
Teaching and Teacher Education 130, 104175, 2023
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Articles 1–20