Thomas C  Hanks
Thomas C Hanks
Senior Geophysicist, U S Geological Survey
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A Moment Magnitude Scale
TCHH Kanamori
Journal of Geophysical Research 84 (B5), 2348-2350, 1979
The character of high-frequency strong ground motion
TC Hanks, RK McGuire
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 71 (6), 2071-2095, 1981
NGA-West2 research project
Y Bozorgnia, NA Abrahamson, LA Atik, TD Ancheta, GM Atkinson, ...
Earthquake Spectra 30 (3), 973-987, 2014
Source parameters of southern California earthquakes
W Thatcher, TC Hanks
Journal of geophysical research 78 (35), 8547-8576, 1973
The use of body-wave spectra in the determination of seismic-source parameters
TC Hanks, M Wyss
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 62 (2), 561-589, 1972
Earthquake stress drops, ambient tectonic stresses and stresses that drive plate motions
TC Hanks
Stress in the Earth, 441-458, 1977
f max
TC Hanks
Bulletin of the seismological Society of America 72 (6A), 1867-1879, 1982
b values and ω− γ seismic source models: Implications for tectonic stress variations along active crustal fault zones and the estimation of high‐frequency strong ground motion
TC Hanks
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 84 (B5), 2235-2242, 1979
Modification of wave‐cut and faulting‐controlled landforms
TC Hanks, RC Bucknam, KR Lajoie, RE Wallace
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 89 (B7), 5771-5790, 1984
A bilinear source-scaling model for M-log A observations of continental earthquakes
TC Hanks, WH Bakun
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 92 (5), 1841-1846, 2002
Moment‐magnitude relations in theory and practice
TC Hanks, DM Boore
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 89 (B7), 6229-6235, 1984
Dynamics of liquefaction during the 1987 Superstition Hills, California, earthquake
TL Holzer, TC Hanks, TL Youd
Science 244 (4900), 56-59, 1989
The Kuril Trench-Hokkaido Rise system: large shallow earthquakes and simple models of deformation
TC Hanks
Geophysical Journal International 23 (2), 173-189, 1971
M-logA Observations for Recent Large Earthquakes
TC Hanks, WH Bakun
Bulletin of the seismological society of America 98 (1), 490-494, 2008
Strong ground motion of the San Fernando, California, earthquake: ground displacements
TC Hanks
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 65 (1), 193-225, 1975
The early thermal history of the Earth
TC Hanks, DL Anderson
Physics of the Earth and Planetary Interiors 2 (1), 19-29, 1969
SEA96—A new predictive relation for earthquake ground motions in extensional tectonic regimes
P Spudich, JB Fletcher, M Hellweg, J Boatwright, C Sullivan, WB Joyner, ...
Seismological Research Letters 68 (1), 190-198, 1997
RMS accelerations and spectral amplitudes of strong ground motion during the San Fernando, California earthquake
RK McGuire, TC Hanks
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 70 (5), 1907-1919, 1980
Common features of the excitation and propagation of strong ground motion for North American earthquakes
TC Hanks, AC Johnston
Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America 82 (1), 1-23, 1992
Seismic moments of the larger earthquakes of the southern California region
TC Hanks, JA Hileman, W Thatcher
Geological Society of America Bulletin 86 (8), 1131-1139, 1975
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Articles 1–20