Riddhipratim Basu
Riddhipratim Basu
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research
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Last passage percolation with a defect line and the solution of the slow bond problem
R Basu, V Sidoravicius, A Sly
arXiv preprint arXiv:1408.3464, 2014
Characterization of cutoff for reversible Markov chains
R Basu, J Hermon, Y Peres
The Annals of Probability 45 (3), 1448-1487, 2017
Coalescence of geodesics in exactly solvable models of last passage percolation
R Basu, S Sarkar, A Sly
Journal of Mathematical Physics 60 (9), 2019
Nonexistence of bigeodesics in planar exponential last passage percolation
R Basu, C Hoffman, A Sly
Communications in Mathematical Physics, 1-30, 2022
Fractal geometry of Airy _2 processes coupled via the Airy sheet
R Basu, S Ganguly, A Hammond
The Annals of Probability 49 (1), 485-505, 2021
Evolving voter model on dense random graphs
R Basu, A Sly
Ann. Appl. Probab. 27 (2), 1235-1288, 2017
Temporal correlation in last passage percolation with flat initial condition via Brownian comparison
R Basu, S Ganguly, L Zhang
Communications in Mathematical Physics 383, 1805-1888, 2021
Time correlation exponents in last passage percolation
R Basu, S Ganguly
In and out of equilibrium 3: Celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius, 101-123, 2021
Limit theorems for longest monotone subsequences in random Mallows permutations
R Basu, N Bhatnagar
Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist. 53 (4), 1934-1951, 2017
Non-fixation for conservative stochastic dynamics on the line
R Basu, S Ganguly, C Hoffman
Communications in Mathematical Physics 358 (3), 1151-1185, 2018
Upper tail large deviations of the cycle counts in Erdos-Rényi graphs in the full localized regime
A Basak, R Basu
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics, 2023 76 (1), 3-72, 2023
A complete characterization of the evolution of RC4 pseudo random generation algorithm
R Basu, S Ganguly, S Maitra, G Paul
Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 2 (3), 257-289, 2008
Interlacing and scaling exponents for the geodesic watermelon in last passage percolation
R Basu, S Ganguly, A Hammond, M Hegde
Communications in Mathematical Physics 393 (3), 1241-1309, 2022
Upper tail large deviations in first passage percolation
R Basu, S Ganguly, A Sly
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 74 (8), 1577-1640, 2021
Activated random walk on a cycle
R Basu, S Ganguly, C Hoffman, J Richey
Lower deviations in β-ensembles and law of iterated logarithm in last passage percolation
R Basu, S Ganguly, M Hegde, M Krishnapur
Israel Journal of Mathematics 242 (1), 291-324, 2021
Invariant measures for TASEP with a slow bond
R Basu, S Sarkar, A Sly
arXiv preprint arXiv:1704.07799, 2017
On Some Sequences of the Secret Pseudo-random Index j in RC4 Key Scheduling
R Basu, S Maitra, G Paul, T Talukdar
Applied Algebra, Algebraic Algorithms and Error-Correcting Codes: 18th …, 2009
Delocalization of polymers in lower tail large deviation
R Basu, S Ganguly, A Sly
Communications in Mathematical Physics 370, 781-806, 2019
The competition of roughness and curvature in area-constrained polymer models
R Basu, S Ganguly, A Hammond
Communications in Mathematical Physics 364, 1121-1161, 2018
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Articles 1–20