Pamela M. Seeds
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Cited by
A meta-analysis of CBT for pathological worry among clients with GAD
R Covin, AJ Ouimet, PM Seeds, DJA Dozois
Journal of anxiety disorders 22 (1), 108-116, 2008
Measuring cognitive errors: Initial development of the Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS)
R Covin, DJA Dozois, A Ogniewicz, PM Seeds
International journal of cognitive therapy 4 (3), 297-322, 2011
Transdiagnostic approaches to the prevention of depression and anxiety
DJA Dozois, PM Seeds, KA Collins
Journal of Cognitive Psychotherapy 23 (1), 44-59, 2009
Parental maltreatment, bullying, and adolescent depression: Evidence for the mediating role of perceived social support
PM Seeds, KL Harkness, LC Quilty
Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology 39 (5), 681-692, 2010
Prospective evaluation of a cognitive vulnerability‐stress model for depression: the interaction of schema self‐structures and negative life events
PM Seeds, DJA Dozois
Journal of Clinical Psychology 66 (12), 1307-1323, 2010
Risk and vulnerability in adolescent depression.
EP Hayden, PM Seeds, DJA Dozois
Oxford University Press, 2009
Interpretive Bias in the Context of Life Stress and Depression: An Examination of Stress Generation and Diathesis-Stress Models
PM Seeds
Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository,, 2012
Cognitive Distortions Scale
R Covin, DJA Dozois, A Ogniewicz, PM Seeds
International Journal of Cognitive Therapy, 0
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Articles 1–8