Xuetao Zhang
Cited by
Cited by
Interactive road situation analysis for driver assistance and safety warning systems: Framework and algorithms
H Cheng, N Zheng, X Zhang, J Qin, H Van de Wetering
Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Transactions on 8 (1), 157-167, 2007
Fast multi-view clustering via nonnegative and orthogonal factorization
B Yang, X Zhang, F Nie, F Wang, W Yu, R Wang
IEEE transactions on image processing 30, 2575-2586, 2020
Robust rigid registration algorithm based on pointwise correspondence and correntropy
S Du, G Xu, S Zhang, X Zhang, Y Gao, B Chen
Pattern Recognition Letters 132, 91-98, 2020
Cube search, revisited
X Zhang, J Huang, S Yigit-Elliott, R Rosenholtz
Journal of Vision 15 (3), 9-9, 2015
Visual Recognition of Driver Hand-held Cell Phone Use Based on Hidden CRF
X Zhang, N Zheng, F Wang, Y He
Vehicular Electronics and Safety (ICVES), 2011 IEEE International Conference …, 2011
A SLAM algorithm based on the central difference Kalman filter
J Zhu, N Zheng, Z Yuan, Q Zhang, X Zhang, Y He
2009 IEEE intelligent vehicles symposium, 123-128, 2009
Efficient and robust MultiView clustering with anchor graph regularization
B Yang, X Zhang, Z Lin, F Nie, B Chen, F Wang
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology 32 (9), 6200-6213, 2022
Vehicle detection using an extended hidden random field model
X Zhang, N Zheng, Y He, F Wang
2011 14th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation …, 2011
Efficient correntropy-based multi-view clustering with anchor graph embedding
B Yang, X Zhang, B Chen, F Nie, Z Lin, Z Nan
Neural Networks 146, 290-302, 2022
Robust iterative closest point algorithm based on global reference point for rotation invariant registration
S Du, Y Xu, T Wan, H Hu, S Zhang, G Xu, X Zhang
PLoS One 12 (11), e0188039, 2017
Efficient multi-view K-means clustering with multiple anchor graphs
B Yang, X Zhang, Z Li, F Nie, F Wang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 35 (7), 6887-6900, 2022
Fast multiview clustering with spectral embedding
B Yang, X Zhang, F Nie, F Wang
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 31, 3884-3895, 2022
Line feature based extrinsic calibration of LiDAR and camera
J Jiang, P Xue, S Chen, Z Liu, X Zhang, N Zheng
2018 IEEE International Conference on Vehicular Electronics and Safety …, 2018
Head pose estimation using isophote features for driver assistance systems
X Zhang, N Zheng, F Mu, Y He
2009 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 568-572, 2009
ECCA: Efficient correntropy-based clustering algorithm with orthogonal concept factorization
B Yang, X Zhang, F Nie, B Chen, F Wang, Z Nan, N Zheng
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems 34 (10), 7377-7390, 2022
Overtaking vehicle detection using a spatio-temporal crf
X Zhang, P Jiang, F Wang
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 338-343, 2014
Discrete correntropy-based multi-view anchor-graph clustering
B Yang, J Wu, X Zhang, X Zheng, F Nie, B Chen
Information Fusion 103, 102097, 2024
Precise glasses detection algorithm for face with in-plane rotation
S Du, J Liu, Y Liu, X Zhang, J Xue
Multimedia Systems 23, 293-302, 2017
Fast multiview anchor-graph clustering
B Yang, X Zhang, J Wu, F Nie, Z Lin, F Wang, B Chen
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2024
Detach and unite: A simple meta-transfer for few-shot learning
Y Zheng, X Zhang, Z Tian, W Zeng, S Du
Knowledge-Based Systems 277, 110798, 2023
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