Maha Shaikh
Cited by
Cited by
From epistemology to ontology: challenging the constructed'truth'of ANT
A Cordella, M Shaikh
Department of Information Systems, London School of Economics and Political …, 2006
Platform Signaling for Generating Platform Content.
P Hukal, O Henfridsson, M Shaikh, G Parker
Mis Quarterly 44 (3), 2020
Selecting an open innovation community as an alliance partner: Looking for healthy communities and ecosystems
M Shaikh, N Levina
Research Policy 48 (8), 103766, 2019
Folding and unfolding: Balancing openness and transparency in open source communities
M Shaikh, E Vaast
Information Systems Research 27 (4), 813-833, 2016
Governing open source software through coordination processes
M Shaikh, O Henfridsson
Information and Organization 27 (2), 116-135, 2017
Actor Network Theory and After: What's New for IS Resarch?
A Cordella, M Shaikh
Adopting open source software: A practical guide
B Fitzgerald, JP Kesan, B Russo, M Shaikh, G Succi
MIT Press, 2011
Qualitative research methods in Information Systems: A call for Phenomen-focused Problematization
E Monteiro, P Constantinides, S Scott, M Shaikh, A Burton-Jones
MISQ, 2022
Version management tools: CVS to BK in the Linux kernel
M Shaikh, T Cornford
3rd Workshop on Open Source Software Engineering, 127-132, 2003
Hierarchy, laboratory and collective: Unveiling Linux as innovation, machination and constitution
T Cornford, M Shaikh, C Ciborra
Journal of the Association for Information Systems 11 (12), 4, 2010
Negotiating open source software adoption in the UK public sector
M Shaikh
Government Information Quarterly 33 (1), 115-132, 2016
Editor's comments: qualitative research methods in information systems: a call for phenomenonfocused problematization
E Monteiro, P Constantinides, S Scott, M Shaikh, A Burton-Jones
MIS quarterly 46 (4), iii-xix, 2022
Total cost of ownership of open source software: a report for the UK Cabinet Office supported by OpenForum Europe
M Shaikh, T Cornford
UK Cabinet Office, 2011
Introduction to information systems
T Cornford, M Shaikh
University of London, 2013
An examination of the use of open source software processes as a global software development solution for commercial software engineering
G Gaughan, B Fitzgerald, M Shaikh
2009 35th Euromicro Conference on Software Engineering and Advanced …, 2009
'Letting go of control'to embrace open source: implications for company and community
M Shaikh, T Cornford
2010 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 1-10, 2010
Renegotiating public value with co-production
A Cordella, A Paletti, M Shaikh
Creating and capturing value through crowdsourcing, 181-203, 2018
Version control software for knowledge sharing, innovation and learning in OS
M Shaikh, T Cornford
Open Source Software Movements and Communities Workshop hosted by the …, 2003
The emergence of openness in open-source projects: The case of openEHR
D Curto-Millet, M Shaikh
Journal of Information Technology 32 (4), 361-379, 2017
Version Control Tools: a Collaborative vehicle for learning in F/OS
M Shaikh, T Cornford
26th International Conference on Software Engineering-W8S Workshop …, 2004
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Articles 1–20