J. Jill Suitor
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Cited by
Violence and violent feelings: what causes them among family caregivers?
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor
Journal of gerontology 47 (4), S165-S172, 1992
Explaining mothers' ambivalence toward their adult children
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor
Journal of Marriage and Family 64 (3), 602-613, 2002
Marital quality and satisfaction with the division of household labor across the family life cycle
JJ Suitor
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 221-230, 1991
The baby boomers’ intergenerational relationships
KL Fingerman, KA Pillemer, M Silverstein, JJ Suitor
The Gerontologist 52 (2), 199-209, 2012
Capturing the complexity of intergenerational relations: Exploring ambivalence within later‐life families
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor, SE Mock, M Sabir, TB Pardo, J Sechrist
Journal of Social issues 63 (4), 775-791, 2007
Once a friend, always a friend? Effects of homophily on women's support networks across a decade
J Suitor, S Keeton
Social networks 19 (1), 51-62, 1997
Choosing daughters: Exploring why mothers favor adult daughters over sons
JJ Suitor, K Pillemer
Sociological Perspectives 49 (2), 139-161, 2006
A cooperative communication intervention for nursing home staff and family members of residents
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor, CR Henderson Jr, R Meador, L Schultz, J Robison, ...
The Gerontologist 43 (suppl_2), 96-106, 2003
Gender, household labor, and scholarly productivity among university professors
JJ Suitor, D Mecom, IS Feld
Gender Issues 19 (4), 50-67, 2001
" Will I Ever Escape My Child's Problems?" Effects of Adult Children's Problems on Elderly Parents
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 585-594, 1991
It's about time: How, why, and when networks change
JJ Suitor, B Wellman, DL Morgan
Social networks 19 (1), 1-7, 1997
When experience counts: The effects of experiential and structural similarity on patterns of support and interpersonal stress
JJ Suitor, S Keeton, K Pillemer
Social Forces 73 (4), 1573-1588, 1995
Making choices: A within-family study of caregiver selection
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor
The Gerontologist 46 (4), 439-448, 2006
Within-family differences in mothers' support to adult children
JJ Suitor, K Pillemer, J Sechrist
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2006
Explaining intergenerational conflict when adult children and elderly parents live together
JJ Suitor, K Pillemer
Journal of Marriage and the Family, 1037-1047, 1988
Aged parents and aging children: Determinants of relationship quality
JJ Suitor, K Pillemer, S Keeton, J Robison
Handbook of aging and the family, 223-242, 1995
Who provides care? A prospective study of caregiving among adult siblings
K Pillemer, JJ Suitor
The Gerontologist 54 (4), 589-598, 2014
Mothers' favoritism in later life: The role of children's birth order
JJ Suitor, K Pillemer
Research on Aging 29 (1), 32-55, 2007
The role of perceived maternal favoritism in sibling relations in midlife
JJ Suitor, J Sechrist, M Plikuhn, ST Pardo, M Gilligan, K Pillemer
Journal of Marriage and Family 71 (4), 1026-1038, 2009
Describing changes in personal networks over time
SL Feld, JJ Suitor, JG Hoegh
Field methods 19 (2), 218-236, 2007
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