mohammed helmy
mohammed helmy
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Miniscrew implant-supported maxillary canine retraction with and without corticotomy-facilitated orthodontics
SMBED Aboul, AR El-Beialy, KMF El-Sayed, EMN Selim, ...
American journal of orthodontics and dentofacial orthopedics 139 (2), 252-259, 2011
Prevalence of Tobacco Use Among Students Aged 13‐15 Years in Health Ministers’ Council/Gulf Cooperation Council Member States, 2001‐2004
A Moh’d Al‐Mulla, S Abdou Helmy, J Al‐Lawati, S Al Nasser, ...
Journal of School Health 78 (6), 337-343, 2008
Comparison of endourological and open cystolithotomy in the management of bladder stones in children
MS Al-Marhoon, OM Sarhan, BA Awad, T Helmy, A Ghali, MS Dawaba
The Journal of urology 181 (6), 2684-2688, 2009
Anti-bacterial activity of peppermint (Mentha piperita) extracts against some emerging multi-drug resistant human bacterial pathogens
MHF Shalayel, AM Asaad, MA Qureshi, AB Elhussein
Journal of Herbal Medicine 7, 27-30, 2017
Systematic and Experimental Studies on Protozoal Blood Parasites of Egyptian Birds. Vols. I. & II.
AHH Mohammed
Systematic and Experimental Studies on Protozoal Blood Parasites of Egyptian …, 1958
Pathophysiology of gestational diabetes mellitus: The past, the present and the future
MC Al-Noaemi, MHF Shalayel
Gestational Diabetes, 2011
Predictors of sustained virological response to a 48-week course of pegylated interferon alfa-2a and ribavirin in patients infected with hepatitis C virus genotype 4
H Al Ashgar, A Helmy, MQ Khan, K Al Kahtani, M Al Quaiz, M Rezeig, ...
Annals of Saudi medicine 29 (1), 4, 2009
The correlation of HbA1c with body mass index and HDL-cholesterol in type 2 diabetic patients
WG Babikr, ASA Alshahrani, HGM Hamid, AHMK Abdelraheem, ...
Biomed Res 27 (4), 1280-3, 2016
Trace elements in serum of pityriasis alba patients
E Galadari, M Helmy, M Ahmed
International journal of dermatology 31 (7), 525-526, 1992
Frequency of CYP2C9 and VKORC1 Gene Polymorphisms and Their Influence on Warfarin Dose in Egyptian Pediatric Patients
MAK El-Din, MS Farhan, RI El Shiha, RMH El-Kaffas, SM Mousa
Pediatric Drugs 16 (4), 337-341, 2014
Scientific Program of 34th World Congress of Endourology & SWL Program Book and Abstracts
H Seo, S Shin, N Jung, S Kim, W Kwon, K Jeong, S Lee, G Hui, L Faping, ...
Journal of Endourology 30 (S2), P1-A464, 2016
Abstracts from the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Engineering and Urology Society May 12, 2017 Boston, MA
K Taguchi, M Usawachintachit, DT Tzou, D Isaacson, BA Sherer, I Metzler, ...
Journal of Endourology 32 (3), A-1-A-27, 2018
Scientific Program of 32nd World Congress of Endourology & SWL Program Book
CS Lin, SC Pan, YH Wei, AWH Chiu, C Callaghan, M Maddox, D Peralta, ...
Journal of Endourology 28 (S1), P1-A316, 2014
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