Paula MacGregor
Paula MacGregor
University of Bristol
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Genome-wide dissection of the quorum sensing signalling pathway in Trypanosoma brucei
BM Mony, P MacGregor, A Ivens, F Rojas, A Cowton, J Young, D Horn, ...
Nature, 2014
Trypanosomal immune evasion, chronicity and transmission: an elegant balancing act
P MacGregor, B Szöőr, NJ Savill, KR Matthews
Nature Reviews Microbiology 10 (6), 431-438, 2012
Transmission Stages Dominate Trypanosome Within-Host Dynamics during Chronic Infections
P MacGregor, NJ Savill, D Hall, KR Matthews
Cell Host & Microbe 9 (4), 310-318, 2011
Bloodstream form pre-adaptation to the tsetse fly in Trypanosoma brucei
E Rico, F Rojas, BM Mony, B Szoor, P MacGregor, KR Matthews
Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology 3, 78, 2013
How does the VSG coat of bloodstream form African trypanosomes interact with external proteins?
A Schwede, OJS Macleod, P MacGregor, M Carrington
PLoS pathogens 11 (12), e1005259, 2015
Mitochondrial DNA is critical for longevity and metabolism of transmission stage Trypanosoma brucei
CE Dewar, P MacGregor, S Cooper, MK Gould, KR Matthews, NJ Savill, ...
PLoS pathogens 14 (7), e1007195, 2018
Malaria and trypanosome transmission: different parasites, same rules?
LC Pollitt, P MacGregor, K Matthews, SE Reece
Trends in parasitology 27 (5), 197-203, 2011
Identification of the regulatory elements controlling the transmission stage-specific gene expression of PAD1 in Trypanosoma brucei
P MacGregor, KR Matthews
Nucleic acids research 40 (16), 7705-7717, 2012
Structural basis for ligand and innate immunity factor uptake by the trypanosome haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor
H Lane-Serff, P MacGregor, E Lowe, M Carrington, M Higgins
eLife, 2014
Regulation of Trypanosoma brucei Total and Polysomal mRNA during Development within Its Mammalian Host
P Capewell, S Monk, A Ivens, P MacGregor, K Fenn, P Walrad, ...
PLoS One 8 (6), e67069, 2013
Non-linear hierarchy of the quorum sensing signalling pathway in bloodstream form African trypanosomes
L McDonald, M Cayla, A Ivens, BM Mony, P MacGregor, E Silvester, ...
PLoS pathogens 14 (6), e1007145, 2018
Stable transformation of pleomorphic bloodstream form Trypanosoma brucei
P MacGregor, F Rojas, S Dean, KR Matthews
Molecular and biochemical parasitology 190 (2), 60-62, 2013
New discoveries in the transmission biology of sleeping sickness parasites: applying the basics
P MacGregor, KR Matthews
Journal of Molecular Medicine 88, 865-871, 2010
An atypical DYRK kinase connects quorum-sensing with posttranscriptional gene regulation in Trypanosoma brucei
M Cayla, L McDonald, P MacGregor, K Matthews
Elife 9, e51620, 2020
A receptor for the complement regulator factor H increases transmission of trypanosomes to tsetse flies
OJS Macleod, JM Bart, P MacGregor, L Peacock, NJ Savill, S Hester, ...
Nature communications 11 (1), 1326, 2020
Targeting Cattle-Borne Zoonoses and Cattle Pathogens Using a Novel Trypanosomatid-Based Delivery System
GA Mott, R Wilson, A Fernando, A Robinson, P MacGregor, D Kennedy, ...
PLoS Pathogens 7 (10), e1002340, 2011
Evolutionary diversification of the trypanosome haptoglobin-haemoglobin receptor from an ancestral haemoglobin receptor
H Lane-Serff, P MacGregor, L Peacock, OJS Macleod, C Kay, W Gibson, ...
Elife 5, e13044, 2016
A single dose of antibody-drug conjugate cures a stage 1 model of African trypanosomiasis
P MacGregor, AL Gonzalez-Munoz, F Jobe, MC Taylor, S Rust, ...
PLoS neglected tropical diseases 13 (5), e0007373, 2019
Tackling protozoan parasites of cattle in sub-Saharan Africa
P MacGregor, V Nene, RER Nisbet
PLoS Pathogens 17 (10), e1009955, 2021
A receptor’s tale: an eon in the life of a trypanosome receptor
MK Higgins, H Lane-Serff, P MacGregor, M Carrington
PLoS Pathogens 13 (1), e1006055, 2017
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Articles 1–20